657: Maintaining Priorities Amidst Changing Circumstances

Everyone has priorities that they say are important. But how often do you overlook these priorities when life gets tough? Or maybe the opposite happens, where life gets easier and you grow complacent… before you know it you’re back where you began.


This feast or famine existence is where today’s guest was just a few months ago. She would lose weight only to put it back on again. She would set priorities and stick with them for a while, but then lose track after a few weeks. It wasn’t that she was unhappy, but she never felt truly satisfied (as though she wasn’t fulfilling her true potential). 


As she told me all this, I could relate. I remember being that person. Maybe you can relate. If so, good news because in today’s episode we explore how she escaped this, lost weright (and kept it off) and transformed her entire way of thinking.


I’ve written an article that accompanies this below. I encourage you to listen and read, and to then get in touch and share how important your own priorities are in your life.


  1. The massive changes our guest has seen in just two months since joining the 12 Weeks to Transformation Program
  2. The mindset blocks she used to suffer with, and the affirmations and techniques she’s used to overcome these
  3. How she entered the program with her focus on weight loss and health, but what happened in the first few weeks that left a huge impact across her entire life
  4. What happens when you take control of your ‘thinking’, and how this impacts every single aspect of your life, health, finances and relationships
  5. The biggest thing you can do to ensure you not only achieve your goals, but surpass them and maintain them in the long term
  6. Why most people use their circumstances as an excuse to fail (or not even try), and how you can change this overnight
  7. That it isn’t about whether you struggle or go through hardship, but rather what you DO next that matters most
  8. How today’s guest has more confidence now than ever before, and the massive impact this has had at work and at home


As she told me her story, I couldn’t help but picture my own past…

How she would lose weight only to put it back on again…

That she would begin motivated, but see it disappear after a few weeks…

How she said things like: I’ll get back to it tomorrow

(even though you know you’ll say the same thing tomorrow) 

You beat yourself up for doing it. You start to tell yourself stories, about how you’ve lost enough weight so it’s no longer important. It loses all urgency. The pain isn’t as great.

But there you are again, a few months later… back where you started.

Sometimes Pain Isn’t All That Painful

As I spoke to my guest today, she told me about life before joining the 12 Weeks to Transformation Program. She wasn’t depressed. She wasn’t at rock bottom. She wasn’t even unhappy.

But she also didn’t feel all that happy, content or satisfied.

She knew she wasn’t living the life she could or wanted to. She knew she had more to give. This is the place where many of my clients are in when I first meet them. Not unhappy, but also… not that happy.

  • You lose weight but put it back on again…
  • You fit in the dress you love, but you don’t feel great in it…
  • You look good, but you still feel tired, heavy and sluggish…
  • You’re making enough money, but you still stress about it…
  • You eat well most days, but it’s a constant effort to not order that muffin…

Sometimes pain isn’t all that painful. it’s often a case that you just know it could be better. You want it to be better, because you deserve to live the best life you can. But you put it off. You’ll get to it, someday…

This is where today’s guest was just a few months ago.

Before joining the 12 Weeks to Transformation Program, she was doing okay.

In the time since… she’s began to transform her entire life!

I’ve seen her progress. I’m so proud of her. I’ve witnessed how her priorities have changed, and how they are more important to her now. She came into the program with her focus on weight loss and health, but the impact it’s had can be seen across her entire life.

She’s escaped the yo-yo lifestyle of:

  • Losing weight and then gaining it again…
  • Going on a diet and hating it…
  • Having a good week followed by a bad one…
  • Motivation one day, nowhere to be seen the next…
  • Only turning up some days, and losing focus too quickly…
  • Making progress only to get complacent and lose all momentum…

This is where so many of my clients begin when they work with me. Within weeks, they turn it around by following a very simple process. That’s what we talked about in the latest episode of The Primal Potential Podcast, and that’s what I’ll dive deeper into within this article.

Imagine, for a second, a life where:


  • You lose weight and maintain it
  • Build momentum and keep it
  • Change your lifestyle and then live it
  • Get happy and feel it all the time


It is possible. This is how…

1: Let Go of The Number and Outcome

When I asked my client about her relationship with food, she told me how she struggled to come to terms with the idea of eating well forever. 

A diet is one thing, but to NEVER let yourself go…? That’s hard.

She presumed she would always be in this yo-yo state.

Good for a while, and then not.

And I said to her…. This is fine.

It’s totally fine to go through phases. It’s natural. The most important thing is to be aware of it, and appreciate how you feel when you stick to it.

This way you can have a bad day, knowing you’ll get back on track tomorrow or next week…

But this is hard so long as you define your success around an outcome or a particular number/goal.

It’s important to have a goal, but you cannot cling to it each day. You need to let go of the number (that ideal weight you have in your mind). Be okay with where you are — and who you are — right now, and adjust and adapt over time.

So often, we try to focus on where we want to be next year. But really, all you need to focus on is who you want to be today. My guest struggled with this. She liked to have a plan and to stick to it. 

If she fell off course, she beat herself up.

She defined everything she did around an outcome… the pressure became too much.

Let go of it. Focus on today. Give yourself a break.

2: Get Help and Involve Other People

Everyone has priorities, but it’s easy to lose sight of these when life gets in the way.

Before long, you’re back where you started.

You set an important goal, but it doesn’t feel important anymore.

One of the common reasons for this is that so many people try to do it on their own. They’re worried to ask for help or involve other people.  

Why? Well, it’s different for everyone. But it usually comes down to fear:


  • What if I fail?
  • What will other people think?
  • They have their own life, why would they care about mine?


For so long, my gurest tried to do it on her own. After all, she knew what she had to do. If she wanted to lose weight, she had to follow a diet, exercise and so on. She learned everything she needed to learn.

She didn’t need anybody’s help!

Yet there’s a difference between knowing something and doing it. It’s easy to know that you need to lose weight, but what about on Day 20 when you’re tired and had a terrible day. You know not to reach for that bar of chocolate, but maybe this one time it will be okay…

Everyone needs help.

The more people you surround yourself with in the same position as you, the better. It’s no wonder she’s made the progress she’s had since joining the 12 Weeks to Transformation Program

Not only has she learned a lot, but she has a coach keeping her accountable and a community of people supporting her every step of the way.

3: Stop Living in The Future (focus on today)

How often do you find yourself thinking about next year… five years from now… ten?

You compare who you are today against who you want to be.

You try to plan for Step 7 when you’re still figuring out Step 2.

You know it makes no sense. Yet you do it anyway because that future person has what you want. You want it now. You want to make massive progress… right now! 

But you cannot have tomorrow until you do today.

And it’s what you do today that determines your future.

During our call, my client said how she didn’t used to enjoy exercise. She did it because she had to. Whereas today she looks forward to her daily walks, yoga and workouts. She’s beginning to let go of who she wants to be a year from now, and instead enjoying who she is today.

There’s less pressure.

There’s more time to celebrate the progress she does make.

It isn’t that you shouldn’t have goals or a dream, because you should. But leave tomorrow for later. All you can ever do is live today, and if you make today count… tomorrow will be just fine.

This is how you maintain your priorities no matter what happens.

Through the good and bad, you keep your focus on what matters the most. You still feel pain. You still face struggles. You continue to have good days and bad. You will not be perfect. You are human!

But you continue to make progress because you let go of the outcome, get the help you need and focus on what’s straight in front of you. Do this, and you will continue to just fine.


Thanks for reading and listening today. I’m so proud of my client, and loved the insight she shared. This article only scratches the surface, so please listen to our conversation in full because she offers some incredible lessons from her recent growth. 

In a matter of weeks, she’s transformed her entire life.

This is why I love the work we do inside The 12 Weeks to Transformation Program.

Do we teach a lot of new skills and exercises? Of course.

But so much of our success comes from empowering YOU to take action.

Being there for you and guiding you… giving you permission to take the next step you deserve. The priorities you set today define the future you and your family will live forever. \

If you’re interested in learning how to put all this into action, see if the 12 Weeks to Transformation Program is what you need.

Thanks again for reading and listening to today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast and connect with me on social media for future episodes and content. And if you have any questions, please share them in the comments below.


654: Small Steps to TOTAL Transformation

If someone offered you total transformation: to your finances, your business, your health, your relationships… what would that be worth to you? Not just in terms of money, but the overall impact it would have on your life?

This is what happened to today’s guest. In less than three years, she enjoyed total transformation that spread across every aspect of her life. She lost 60lbs. She escaped debt. She turned her marriage around. She went from someone who drank too much and hid from her feelings, to someone who is now comfortable in her own mind and body.

In today’s episode, we explore how she did. We look at what Total Transformation looks like, and how it does not require huge life altering changes, but rather a commitment to small, daily steps.

I’ve written an article that accompanies this episode, which dives deeper into Total Transformation and the steps you need to take. I encourage you to read, as well as listening to this explosive interview with one of my 12 Weeks to Transformation Clients — and someone who has become a true friend.


  1. What Total Transformation looks like, and the five elements that go into creating this
  2. How today’s guest lost 60lbs in a matter of months
  3. How Total Transformation doesn’t come from big changes, but rather committing to small, daily steps
  4. Why (and how) your past is often what holds you back, and until you let it go of this you’ll never move forward
  5. How today’s guest lives her life today compared to 2-3 years ago, and the dramatic impact this has had on her finances, relationships and decision making
  6. How she went from owning a dive bar where her employees made more money than she did, to a genuine business owner free of debt and with the freedom to plan for the future
  7. The two giant changes she made to her day, and how you can make those same changes right now
  8. The single most important aspect about ensuring Total Transformation in YOUR life


Today’s episode is brought to you by Fabletics!

Pregnancy Update // 2nd Trimester #1

Holy moly – what an adventure this pregnancy is! If you didn’t read my first trimester recap, check that out first. We are getting so excited to meet our sweet baby girl! She’s definitely growing! We do have a name but haven’t announced it yet. We might wait until she arrives for that. Our close friends and family know, but that’s about it.

While the nausea isn’t quite as extreme as it was a few weeks ago, it’s definitely still there. Though there’s still quite a bit of the 2nd trimester to go, it doesn’t feel easier than the first, just different. Heartburn and trouble sleeping are heightened but excitement is, too.

On the Food Front:

One thing is for sure: I’m eating quite differently in pregnancy than I was eating before. Between the heart burn and the nausea, the only thing that feels tolerable (most of the time) are carbohydrates. I’ve had sandwiches, pasta and lots of fruit.

Some days, I can tolerate chicken, steak or veggies but they never sound appealing.

I’m okay with it. 

This is a unique phase of life and it’s best for me, for my quality of life and for my beautiful baby girl to let go of expectations or ideas of the way it should be.

I’m dealing with what is and choosing to enjoy this unique season of life.

I’m working to be mindful of how much I’m eating without getting too caught up in what I’m eating, with the caveat that I try to get a variety of nutrients each day.

I’m continuing to take digestive enzymes, a multivitamin, omega 3s and probiotics every day.

2nd Trimester Workouts:

As suprised as I am to say this, I’m going back to CrossFit. I miss lifting weights and I miss the community. As I shared in the first trimester recap, I didn’t do much of any exercise in the first 8 weeks and then I started cycling classes. I enjoy them but it’s over $400/month if you want to go 6-7 days per week. Plus, there’s no weight training and not much of a community.

I reached out to the owner of my previous CrossFit box and asked about scaling in pregnancy and she assured they’d work with me. My OBGYN doesn’t want my heart rate to exceed 140 bpm so I bought an Apple Watch to keep an eye on it. Certain movements like burpees & GHDs are already off the table and others will depend entirely on how they feeling: rowing, double unders, etc.

I know the workouts will look different during pregnancy – lower intensity and lots of modifications but I’m totally comfortable doing what is right for me and not feeling like I’m not “keeping up” with everyone else. I’m not there to keep up with anyone. I’m there to take good care of myself and my baby. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less.

I’m traveling to California for business this week and fully intend to be back in the CrossFit box when I get back. I’m super excited to workout with the boyfriend again. I’ll keep you guys posted as I get back into it.

Body by Baby:

In two words, I’m bigger. Hips are bigger. But is bigger. Face is bigger. Boobs are bigger. Belly is bigger. Clothes are bigger.

That about sums it up.

I just released a podcast today on the perspective I choose about it. I hope you’ll choose to listen!

Emotions & Mindset:

If I asked the boyfriend to summarize my emotions and mindset lately, he’d probably say “unpredictable”. He wouldn’t be wrong.

I’m quick to stress about the house, but I’m also quick to remind myself that I’m doing all I can do and ultimately, it will all be okay. I don’t control the timeframe.

My emotions are heightened. We lost one of our chickens to a bird of prey last week and I definitely reacted more strongly than I would have before pregnancy. I’m more sensitive overall, while also staying really connected to the strong, stable woman I want to be as an example to my sweet girl.

My desire for closeness with my family and he boyfriend’s family is greater than ever. I have an overwhelming desire to bring people together and make sure this baby knows how strong the love is for her on both sides.

My mom’s family has always been really close and that’s what defined so much of my childhood. I want that for my daughter, on both sides.

Preps for Home:

Who am I kidding? My renovation came to a screeching halt due to a contractor who stepped far beyond his bounds. Unfortunately, it unraveled after demo, so we’re still living in a shit show. Every day we try to move forward with a new contractor but it’s a slow process. Every week I tell myself, “This is the week we’ll hire a new contractor and start moving forward!” I’m still believing this is the week. But for now, the downstairs is completely torn to the studs, most of our belongings are in storage and we’re sleeping on a mattress on the floor in a tiny room upstairs.

I have, however, bought a crib and a dresser and established baby’s registry. The nursery doesn’t depend on the renovations being down, so we’re planning to start working on it at the end of this month.

The Peaks:

  • Seeing our baby girl grow is amazing. My body feels different every day and I choose to remain grateful for her continued growth.
  • The other night, I thought I felt her move for the first time. Maybe it was indigestion, but it was a special moment either way.
  • Beginning to design out her nursery is a blast!
  • Thanks to my coach, I feel really great about the work we’re putting in before baby to make Primal Potential stronger than ever while also allowing me some time and freedom as a new mom.

The Pits:

  • The boyfriend’s parents are out of the country and will likely remain there for a couple more years. I wish they were closer to share this with us. I miss them.
  • I’m not sleeping very much. I fall asleep easily and early, but wake up 5-10 times in the night to use the bathroom, regardless of how much water I drink during the day.
  • Heartburn and nausea are a tough combination when it comes to making food choices.

I’ll keep you guys updated and post again in a couple weeks!

653: 3 Thoughts on Raising a Daughter that Can Change YOUR Life

Raising a daughter is supposedly one of the hardest yet most satisfying adventures there is. It is without doubt, scary. Soon, I’ll be a mother. I will have a daughter. So much of who she will become is down to me and the example I set.


Exciting, yes. 

Terrifying… you bet.


The fact I’ll soon be raising a daughter has created a lot of internal questions, and I’m thinking about life in a completely new way. In particular, there are 3 important things on my mind. That’s what I’d like to share with you in today’s episode.


Whether you’re raising a daughter or not, these 3 aspects are relevant to you and the journey you’re one. This isn’t about having kids, but rather you being conscious of WHO you are and the example you set (for others, and for yourself).


I’ve written an article to accompany this below, which explores my current thoughts into raising a daughter. I hope you take a lot from it, and I hope it empowers you to question the example you set.



  1. How I’ve had a mindset shift since getting pregnant, and specifically how my thinking has changed since I learned I was having a daughter
  2. The 3 biggest aspects currently on my mind, questioning how I wish to raise my daughter
  3. Why making changes and thinking differently begins with a choice, and how you can choose to make that right now
  4. How none of this has anything to do with raising a daughter, and how it’s applicable to YOU whether you have kids or not
  5. How the best way to teach is to set an example, not only for those you wish to impact, but also for yourself
  6. How to live a life with NO LIMITS, and how this often begins by revisiting your past
  7. What the two switches in mindset are to help you make immediate changes (right now!)
  8. How to deal with adversity, and continue to smile throughout the hardest of times


In October 2019, our relationship with Thrive Market changed. They decided to put their marketing dollars in avenues outside of podcasting but we still think they’re a good choice if you’re looking to save money on health & personal care products.

648: Practicing Presence: Mind & Body in the Same Place

Presence. Mindfulness. Let me ask you: how often are your mind & body in the same place? Today we are talking about improving your life through presence. In every moment is potential. In every moment is opportunity. In every moment is feeling. But, if you’re replaying yesterday or worrying about tomorrow, you miss it.

Easier said than done, right? Our minds are busy. Are lives are full. How can we be more present when so much is competing for our attention? That’s what we’re diving into today.

10 Ways to Practice Presence

(Detailed in today’s episode)

  1. What do you hear?
  2. 3x see/hear/feel
  3. Meditate
  4. Breathing exercises
  5. Anchor yourself
  6. Body scan
  7. Push yourself physically (work HARD)
  8. Single task
  9. Full immersion
  10. Jot it down and return

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The song I mentioned in today’s episode can be found on Spotify here

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