The Little Things Are The Only Things

If you have ever said anything along the lines of “oh, this one thing won’t hurt” or “this won’t make a difference” or dismissed activity or exercise as “not enough to matter” then you’ve got to read this.

If you’d rather listen to this blog than read it, please click here to listen on Anchor.

The other day I had to put change in a parking meter. As I evaluated my awful parking job (masterful driver I am not) considering if I should make a second attempt, I noticed 3 pennies under a trashcan. I dropped to my hands & knees and reached through the metal bars to get them. Mine!

The next day I went to a car wash to vacuum out my Jeep. As soon as I opened my door I spotted a penny & two dimes on the pavement. Mine!

Less than minute later, right in my little vacuuming stall, I saw a pile of dirt & sand where someone had clearly shaken out their (filthy) floor mats. In the pile was easily $0.80 of pennies, nickels & dimes. Mine!

A guy looked at me like I was crazy as I sifted through the dirt to collect the coins. He said, “Are you seriously going to touch that change? They’re just pennies!

I was equally incredulous, though for different reasons as I said, “Very seriously.

I have trained myself to be someone who values the little things.

I used to tell myself that one bite of this or one taste of that wouldn’t matter. And, I was probably right in that individual instance – one bite wouldn’t put weight on and skipping it wouldn’t take weight off.

But the mindset – the attitude and habit of convincing myself that small choices “don’t count” – that was a catastrophic problem.

That mindset kept me from results.

It was a crutch I used to avoid doing hard work and building mental muscle.

I was talking to a client a couple nights ago about arguments she uses to justify choices that she later regrets. She referred to this very thing: telling herself that it wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t make a difference. It was no big deal.

I asked her to imagine she was having a house built. Imagine going to the construction site and noticing that one the walls is just a little off.

Would you care?

Of course! she said.


Because if a little thing is off than the whole thing can be off.

Exactly….She made my point for me.

The small things create the big things.

The small things done well create the big things done well.

You can’t do the big things well without doing the small things well.

The big things ARE the small things.The little things matter. If you want to be successful, you’ll need to be successful with the small things.

For as long as you tell yourself they don’t matter, you’re in trouble.

The people closest to me in my life know I’m a hawk for loose change. They tease me about it. When I was writing this post today I texted them:

“Random important question: You know how I pick up loose change? From your perspective, why do I do that?”

My phone rang almost immediately. It was my mom. She said, “it’s because you know that it’s in the details that your life is built.”

My sister texted me back within a minute: You see opportunities every where, especially the most people would dismiss something as nothing.

My best friend said: You value small, incremental things rather than just big things. That you focus on the things that other people ignore.

If you haven’t pieced this together yet: it ain’t just about money.

Opportunities for progress are everywhere, especially in those little decisions you dismiss as too small to matter.

The little things are the big things, in progress. Choice by choice we advance & the opportunities are all around us.

Are you writing them off and grabbing them up?

I know this is a mindset shift. It’s the mindset shifts that make behavioral shifts possible. If you want to chat this through and learn how I changed my mind in this way and many more, I hope you’ll join me for next week’s live mindset masterclass!


I don’t love workouts that I have to re-write due to my ability or injury. Today was a serious shoulder day so I had to totally forgo the group workout and do my own thing because my shoulder is still on the fritz (though it’s remarkably better than it was 2 weeks ago)

“Pump House” 
For Time:
Strict Press
Ring Rows
200 Meter Run*

*Following each round

The run felt really good today, which is one of those non-scale victories I love so much! I’m getting fitter and stronger every week and that feels good. It doesn’t happen by accident, it happens with consistency and hard work.

On the food front:

The next few days will require some creativity. I’m heading out of town and I don’t know the food/kitchen situation. I will do my best to stick with this keto phase I talked about in episode 388: max 50 grams of net carbs and approximately 110 grams of protein. The rest of my energy will come from dietary fat.

I left this morning after breakfast so I was able to have my cabbage salad bowl after my workout. It was about 20 grams of carbohydrate worth of cabbage plus 3 large eggs and 4 slices of bacon. I didn’t add any avocado to save some of those carbs for later in the day but I did add a dollop of Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayo.

After breakfast I hit the road to spend a long weekend in the White Mountains. I didn’t eat anything until about 5:15pm – I wasn’t even hungry!

I had a few pieces of cheese to hold me over until dinner. I don’t eat a lot of dairy (even though I love it) but it works well during travel.

For dinner I had a cedar plank salmon and some broccoli. Total win for a travel day!

388: The Keto Reset Diet with Mark Sisson

388: The Keto Reset Diet with Mark Sisson

Today we have best selling author Mark Sisson on the show! Mark’s book The Primal Blueprint was a game changer for me when I was initially adopting a primal way of eating. On today’s episode we’re talking about his newest book, The Keto Reset Diet and how he thinks phases of what I’ll call “clean keto” are the next level of primal in terms of anti-aging, fat loss, performance, satiety & energy.

For an introduction to ketogenic diets, ketones and other general concepts, check out episode 387 of the podcast where I talk about this stuff from a high level to lay the foundation for today’s episode.

For today, we’re talking about why Mark considers keto phases the next level of primal and what kind of carb & protein intake he suggest for great results.

Mark said a few super powerful things in the episode that I want to highlight:

Building a fast metabolism as a health goal is completely flawed. Accelerated metabolic function accelerates again. 

Guys, it’s not that we need faster metabolisms. It’s quite the opposite. We need more efficient metabolisms that are optimized for fat burning. We can create that with our food choices and today Mark will tell us how.

He also said, “When I’m keto, I’m barely keto & when I’m not, I’m barely not”. 

Do you know what that is? It’s consistency. It’s getting to a place where there aren’t wild fluctuations in the quality & quantity of your diet. That’s what we need to focus on more than an inconsistent extreme approach.

I strongly recommend you check out his  new book, The Keto Reset Diet & definitely take a listen to today’s episode!

Listen Now

Download Episode


The Keto Reset Diet

The mindset side of change cannot be overlooked. If you struggle with the consistency we talk about in today’s episode, make sure you sign up for the free mindset masterclass next week!

Mindset Masterclass:

Key terms:

Ketosis is a state of metabolic efficiency where you are able to burn stored energy in the form of body fat and ketones & not be dependent on regular high carbohydrate meals to sustain your energy, mood and cognitive focus.

Ketones are an energy source just like carbs, fat & protein are energy sources. Ketones can be used by your brain, your heart, and your muscles. Ketones are produced by the liver as a byproduct of fat metabolism.

Ketones produced under certain conditions:

  • blood sugar is low
  • insulin is low
  • muscle & liver glycogen stores are low

To understand more about this, listen to the following episodes of the Primal Potential podcast:

Episode 009: Carb Spillover

Episode 058: Understanding Fat Loss

Why Calorie Counting Doesn’t Work

Next week’s Motivation & Consistency Masterclass! It’s free!

Fall FLFT Wait List

Learn more about the Fat Loss Fast Track

ASCEND Boston 

In October 2019, our relationship with Thrive Market changed. They decided to put their marketing dollars in avenues outside of podcasting but we still think they’re a good choice if you’re looking to save money on health & personal care products.

Here are some of my favorite Primal Kitchen Products:
Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil

16.9 oz on Amazon:  $14- $20

16.9 Thrive Market: $9.75

Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayo

On Amazon: $11.45

On Thrive Market: $7.45

Primal Kitchen Sea Salt Macadamia Nut Bars (Box of 6)

On Amazon: $17.28

On Thrive Market: $14.95

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Want To Be Happy? Read This First.

I have created a lot of suffering in my life. I was unhappy with my weight, I lacked confidence, I felt frustrated and hopeless. I was really afraid that nothing would ever change – that I would never change.

If I hadn’t done the work to change how I think, I wouldn’t have been able to change my life.

If you’d rather listen to this blog than read it, please click here to listen on Anchor.

Looking back, I was the source of my own suffering. It was my very own choices that were creating the feelings I hated.

I was unhappy because I wasn’t taking care of myself. I was isolating myself because I was unhappy. ⠀

It was powerful to ask myself, “Why am I unhappy? What choices am I making that create these conditions?“⠀

If I’m being honest, it was tough to swallow my pride and own the fact that I was the source of my own suffering.

By saying yes to temptation, by saying yes to laziness, by saying  yes to fear, I was saying no to happiness.  

If you want to solve a problem, you must first stop participating in it’s creation.

What would it look like if you refused to participate in your own suffering? What would need to change?⠀

Last night I had a video chat with my Primal Potential Masters Club and we were talking about phrases we use to talk ourselves out of hard work or talk ourselves into staying in our comfort zone.

One client shared that she works so hard & is so driven in her career & home life that she just doesn’t have the energy to be motivated & driven with regards to her health.

I suggested a reframe.

Perhaps you don’t have the energy you think you need precisely because you aren’t taking care of yourself. It’s very likely that your focus & motivation in other areas are NOT to blame for your lack of energy and self care.

It’s your lack of self care that is to blame for your lack of energy. And investing in taking great care of yourself would boost your energy, it would create more vitality and happiness – it wouldn’t take from it.

The thinking you used to create the problem cannot help you solve it. You need to think differently.

Guys, change is much more a mindset than it is a skill set. We’re too focused on tactics and not focused enough on mindset.

That’s why next week I’m hosting a free mindset & motivation masterclass. I want to help you create these shifts I’ve been creating in my own life and with my Fat Loss Fast Track & Masters Club clients.

If you know you’ve got to change your mind in order to change your body – if you know you’ve got to think differently to be truly happy, I hope you’ll join me!

I love Wednesday workouts because they’re primarily strength days. Welcome to my wheel house! These are the workouts I enjoy the most.

“Weightlifting Wednesday” 
EMOM 10:
0:00 – 5:00: 3 Pausing Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5:00 – 10:00: 3 Snatch High Pulls
rest 5 minutes 
10 Minutes:
Build to Heavy Power Snatch


“Head to Toe” 
8 GHDs
10 Burpees

The AMRAP was hard as heck – those GHDs sneak up really quick! Here’s an example of what these bad boys are for those of you who aren’t familiar. I had these in a workout last week & my abs were sore for more than 5 days! Love that!

On the food front:

I shared with you guys a couple days ago that I’m playing with Mark Sisson’s Keto Reset concepts to help increase mitochondrial biogenesis, increase fat burning and decrease inflammation.

Don’t miss episode 388 of the podcast for more info on it, but here’s the short version:

  • No more than 50 grams total carbs (this is total, not net)
  • 0.7 grams protein per lb lean body mass (around 110 grams)
  • It is a phase – a cycle – not a permanent restriction or limitation

The 50 grams of carbs today looked like:

My 110 grams of protein looked like:

  • 4 slices of bacon (28 grams)
  • 3 eggs (18 grams)
  • 3 chicken thighs (60 grams)

Today was pretty easy on the food front. I planned to have my salad bowl around noon but I was hungry right after my workout so I ate it early. It absolutely satisfied my hunger until early afternoon when I had some celery and Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayo.

I had the Divine chocolate bar just about an hour later because I wanted it.

For dinner I had last night’s leftover chicken thighs with the rest of the chipotle lime mayo.

Will you join me next week for the mindset masterclass? I sure hope so!!

Stop Being So Realistic

One of my Fat Loss Fast Track clients posted this in our Facebook group the other day & I thought it was so powerful…

If you’d rather listen to this blog than read it, please click here to listen on Anchor.  

Today, I came across a quote that I wanted to share with you all in light of this week’s challenge: “One of the saddest pieces of advice in the world is ‘Oh come now — be realistic'”

The author uses this to illustrate the point that limiting yourself by focusing on what’s “realistic” takes away from what makes life worth living…the pursuit of the BEST life, not just a better one. Today I’m using this quote to push me to not only reach my higher, more challenging standards, but surpass them. Every time I make a choice today, I’m going to ask myself “am I just being realistic? or am I being audacious in pursuit of my best life?”

Hmm, maybe that should be a new affirmation…I’m audacious in the pursuit of my best life 

We are so quick to convince ourselves not to leave our comfort zones. We sell ourselves arguments like:

  • I don’t want to be too extreme
  • I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew
  • That might set me up for failure
  • It’s probably too ambitious

Understand that when you do that, you’re talking yourself into your comfort zone. You’re arguing against growth, achievement and momentum.

Oftentimes, playing it safe isn’t really playing at all. You’re on the sidelines.

You’re choosing a mediocre life at the expense of a great one.

You’re choosing an easy life instead of an exceptional one. A comfortable life instead of a fulfilling one.

How can you be bold today? How can you be audacious in your creation of the life you want?

I know how hard it can be to make that transition – to be audacious instead of realistic – to be a goal achiever instead of a quitter – but I want to help you.

I want you to take that desire & turn it into action. I want to help you harness the hope and aim it at your choices.

Next week I’m hosting a totally free masterclass on creating motivation & claiming consistency. This’ll be the first step in creating these changes and bridging the gap between knowing & doing.  I really hope you’ll join me! Click here to register – please note that space IS limited.

Today’s workout wasn’t too fun but I pushed myself hard. My body was feeling a little tired & achy but I know a lot of that was not having put myself through a tough workout since Friday. I knew that if I got moving I’d feel better. I was right! I told myself to do single unders instead of doubles and move slow but steady on the air squats. Once I got to the air squats I was already feeling better. Movement is medicine!!

“Shred It”
160 Single Unders
80 Air Squats
800 Meter Run
40 Kettlebell Swings
40/30 Calorie Bike

On the food front:

I shared with you guys yesterday that I’m going to try the Keto Reset phase from Mark Sisson’s new book The Keto Reset Diet.

I’m doing this to see how my body feels with 50 grams of carbs or fewer each day and around 110 grams of protein.

I cut the cabbage in my salad bowl down today. Between the cabbage & the avocado, there were about 29 grams of carbs in my breakfast bowl. With the eggs & bacon, there were about 52 grams of protein.

I’m determining fat intake based on my hunger & energy, not a specific gram amount.

I had 10 big pieces of celery dipped in Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayo to bring me up to my 50g carb limit for the day. Really I was just looking for a vehicle for the mayo. #truth

I roasted 2 chicken thighs in grassfed butter for dinner. I thought I’d really miss the veggies since I had the celery earlier but I didn’t at all. Instead of focusing on what wasn’t on my plate, I focused on savoring every bite of what was.

Then I took a hot shower, washed my face, brushed my teeth and got into bed early with a book. That made everything better!

One of my clients asked me to share with you guys my favorite sweet potato chips. She wants to make my sweet potato nachos. These couldn’t be easier – I simply buy a bag of sweet potato chips, spread a couple handfuls on a plate and top them with ground beef, salsa and guacamole. They’re delish!

I prefer Jackson’s Honest sweet potato chips – they super tasty and cooked in coconut oil (versus highly processed crop oils).

You can get a 5 oz bag through Thrive Market for just $2.99. You’d pay $6.37 for a 5 oz bag on Amazon!

Plus, if you use the URL you’ll get an additional 25% off your first order plus free shipping! Thrive Market does have an annual membership fee but you get your first 30-days free when using that URL.

Don’t forget! Join me next week for our motivation masterclass!! It’s live & free! 

388: The Keto Reset Diet with Mark Sisson

387: How To Become A Better Fat Burner

You can become a better fat burner. If you are overweight, if you have regular cravings or feel like you’re hungry all the time, I’d bet that your body isn’t very good at burning your stored body fat.

We can change that.

In today’s episode we’re talking about how you train your body to either be carbohydrate dependent or an efficient fat burner.

If your body can’t efficiently access your stored fat as fuel, you’ll have to eat more than someone who can efficiently access & burn fat. Plus, you’ll be more hungry & have less energy.

We’re going to address what ketosis is, what ketones are and how you can begin to train your body to become a better fat burner.

We’re also chatting about an upcoming masters class on creating motivation & building consistency. Honestly, none of these nutritional strategies matter if you don’t have the discipline to build the habit in the first place. I hope you’ll join me! Here’s the link to register:

Listen Now

Download Episode


Key terms from today’s episode:

Ketosis is a state of metabolic efficiency where you are able to burn stored energy in the form of body fat and ketones & not be dependent on regular high carbohydrate meals to sustain your energy, mood and cognitive focus.

Ketones are an energy source just like carbs, fat & protein are energy sources. Ketones can be used by your brain, your heart, and your muscles. Ketones are produced by the liver as a byproduct of fat metabolism.

Ketones produced under certain conditions:

  • blood sugar is low
  • insulin is low
  • muscle & liver glycogen stores are low

To understand more about this, listen to the following episodes of the Primal Potential podcast:

Episode 009: Carb Spillover

Episode 058: Understanding Fat Loss

Why Calorie Counting Doesn’t Work

Next week’s Motivation & Consistency Masterclass! It’s free!

Fall FLFT Wait List

Learn more about the Fat Loss Fast Track

ASCEND Boston 

In October 2019, our relationship with Thrive Market changed. They decided to put their marketing dollars in avenues outside of podcasting but we still think they’re a good choice if you’re looking to save money on health & personal care products.

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