661: Communication, Confidence & Assumptions

I am so excited to tackle today’s Q&A especially because there’s one about making assumptions and deserving the life you want!

Here are the questions we’re tackling today:

  • How can I stop personalising everything and making assumptions? It’s at a point where I think I can read the minds of others and know what negative thoughts they’re thinking about me.
  • How can I access my inner confidence to be more assertive in my communication and every day life? I avoid conflict and fear making the other person/people and myself uncomfortable so I end up saying/doing nothing.
  • What probiotics /supplements will help with depression?
  • How do I change the beliefs formed at childhood that are preventing me from success now?
  • Is it possible to work on all my goals? I dont want to put any of them off but they often conflict and I give in to overwhelm.
  • How can I feel like I deserve all that I want in my life?

Today’s episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic! To learn more about them and to see my favorites, click here.

660: How to Change – Getting Out of Your Own Way

How to change… that is the question. Oftentimes, we know what we want to change. We may even know how we can go about doing it. But when it comes to getting out of our own way… that’s tough.

Knowing what you need to do and then doing it are different entities. In today’s episode we dive deep into what holds you back, as I talk openly about my own struggles with weight and personal growth. For a long time I struggled to achieve what I wanted to. I remained stuck in a prison I created for myself.

I made minimal progress (if any progress at all) not because I had a problem, but rather because I convinced myself that I did. In today’s episode I talk about how to change and how to get out of your own way. YOU are so often what holds you back. Becoming aware of this is the most important step to take.

I’ve written an article that explores this further below. Whether you choose to read, listen or both… I hope this episode inspires you to make the changes you crave. How to Change? This is how…


  1. My own story of self-sabotage, and how I remained stuck at over 300lbs because I gave myself permission to do so
  2. An important challenge I’ve recently set myself, and how I encourage you to join me (FYI: the impact this has had on my life already is incredible)
  3. 3 Inspiring quotes that have changed my life, and how they can help you come to terms with your own internal barriers
  4. The first (and most important) step on how to change, and how to escape the yo-yo life of making small progress only to give up and go back to the beginning
  5. The most common barrier I come across with my own clients, and how to overcome this by letting go of one simple thing
  6. The most important question you can ask when you catch yourself making excuses or wanting to give up
  7. How our thoughts dictate our choices, and how we have more control over these than you may think
  8. The next steps you can take, and how you can give yourself the permission you need today


I hated going to work. I’d look at myself in the mirror before I left and let the sadness in.

I wasn’t even sure how I’d got to this point. I’d always struggled with my weight, but to go beyond 300lbs… I would sigh, shake my head and slump toward the car.

Feeling terrible.
Looking terrible.
Dreading my day ahead.

I had a “food” problem. At least this is what I told myself. I had tried everything.

  • Studied nutrition… that didn’t work.
  • Worked in nutrition… that didn’t do it, either.
  • I worked on programs and courses… nope.

Whatever I tried, and whichever diet I went on, I would do okay for a few weeks but then slip back into bad habits. I had a weight problem. I was addicted to food. It wasn’t my fault…

How To Change For Good

For as long as I can remember, I defined myself as an emotional eater. It wasn’t my fault. I just never had the discipline. If I had a bad day, I would eat. If I felt sad, I would eat. If I didn’t feel good about myself, I would eat. I knew this would only make things worse, but I had a problem. It wasn’t my fault.

That’s what I told myself.
The truth is, it was my fault.

At least, it was my problem to OWN.

I thought I knew what my problem was, and I thought I knew what I had to do to change. I just had to find the right diet, finally stick to it and everything would be fine.

Sound familiar?

Maybe you’re issue isn’t with food. Maybe it’s money, drink, exercise or something else. You’re aware of what your problem is what it is you want to change, but nothing seems to work. You try something, make a little progress and then go back to the beginning.

You’re not alone. I spent most of my life in that state. Almost every single one of my clients has been there or is still in this place. Like a yo-yo, you go back and forth but nothing seems to change.

You know what you need to do.
You just can’t seem to DO it.

The problem is, you are what you do. Knowing and learning isn’t enough. You need to take action, and then stick with this day-in and day-out. You need to get out of your own way.

Because whatever you think stands in your way, it isn’t that.
It’s you. You are what’s stopping YOU from breaking free.

How To Change and How To Get Out of Your Own Way

This is when I finally broke free of my weight problem. Once I accepted that I was what stood in my way, I was able to make progress and finally break free. I wasn’t addicted to food and I wasn’t an emotional eater. These were just stories I told myself.

I gave myself an excuse to fail. I gave myself permission to give up.
Chances are… you too tell yourself stories like these every single day.

You say you have a problem with “X”, but what really holds you back is much deeper.

  • Your limiting beliefs…
  • Your bad habits that you’ve spent your whole life doing…
  • Your fears and worries and anxieties…
  • The questions that little voice inside asks, but you’re too afraid to listen to…

So long as you subscribe to that surface level pain, you will never break free from the real issue. This is why I couldn’t keep the weight off.

Worse, this is why I kept putting more of it on.

I focussed on what I thought the problem was, but didn’t take the time to figure out what was going on.

3 Quotes That Changed My Life

I talk about these three quotes in the latest episode of The Primal Potential Podcast. For greater context for each, I encourage you to listen to the whole episode (it’s one from my heart and soul).

Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open? — Rumi

Each morning I woke up miserable — with my life, my weight, how I looked and the job I dragged myself to — I felt imprisoned and unable to escape. Yet it was a prison I made for myself.

The door was open. At any time, I could choose to walk out.

Most people come to know only one corner of their room, one spot near the window, one narrow strip on which they keep walking back and forth — Rainer Maria Rilke

I love this quote. We can all explore an entire world, but most of us live our lives confined to one small room. We sit by a window and look out at the same view. We walk up and down the same narrow strip of carpet, again-and-again-again…

We tell ourselves the same stories. We cling to the same beliefs we’ve carried with us forever. We’re committed to the same habits, routines and schedules.

There’s an entire world to explore, but we play it safe and stick to what we know.

Those mountains you’ve been carrying, you were only meant to climb — Najwa Zebian

This quote changed me. I realized I had carried my weight problems and everything it brought with it my entire life. It was only ever there for me to overcome. But rather than tackle it and move on, I carried it.

What things are you carrying with you today that you were only meant to overcome?

All it does is lead you to lying to yourself and telling the same stories over and over. You give yourself permission to keep doing what you always have. It’s somebody else’s fault or just how life is. Someone like you will always struggle, because…

It is not true!
You can break free from this any time you like.

The First (and most) Important Step: AWARENESS

I wasn’t aware of the deeper issues I had, and I wasn’t aware of the stories and lies I told myself. I didn’t realize the real pain, and because I wasn’t aware of any of this I didn’t know how to change.

AWARENESS isn’t the entire journey, but you cannot begin until you are.

In the 12 Weeks to Transportation Program, we spend the first three weeks dedicated toward YOU becoming aware. Most people are living their lives each day with their eyes closed. They’re sleepwalking.

They’re blind to the real pain, issue and problem.

Once I realized this I was able to begin. The journey since has been tough. I’ve had my ups and downs. It hasn’t been easy. But I’ve broken free of that prison I created for myself, and it all began when I opened my eyes and saw that the door had been open all along.

From this point, I stepped further away from my pain each day. I lost weight and kept it off.

I became aware of many other issues I had. It threw me down a rabbit hole. Finally, I began to get to know the real me. I listened to that little voice. I grew and grew, and I stepped out of my own way.

Am I fixed? No.
Is anyone? NO!

I still stumble each day. But these days I ask myself a simple question:

is this old thinking or new thinking?

If it’s old thinking, I ask what new thinking would look like. How would the person I want to be act right now? What would they say? How would they think?

Awareness of the whole allows me to be aware in the moment.

Once you achieve this, it’s amazing what you can do with it.


Thank you for reading. I hope this has inspired something inside you. I go deeper into this in today’s episode of The Primal Potential Podcast. I hope you listen, as it’s one I recorded from my heart.

If you would like to not only learn how to change but how to get out of your own way, the 12 Weeks To Transformation Program may be what you need. This is your last chance to join us in 2019.

(and because I’ll soon have my daughter, I’m not sure what 2020 has in store for the program)

I would hate for you to miss out, and I would love to work with you over the next 12 weeks to transform your life. Are you ready to get out of your own way? Visit this page and take the next step with me ⇒ 

Thanks again for listening and reading, I hope you’ve taken a lot from today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast and connect with me on social media. If you have any questions, share them in the comments below.


659: How to Turn What You Know Into What You Do

Hi friends! Today, I’m incredibly excited to bring you Episode 659 of Primal Potential! Primal Potential is a podcast all about you — your ability to change is not defined by yesterday and doesn’t need to wait until tomorrow. Your transformation is now, no matter what stage you find yourself in life!

I recently received an email from a listener who informed me that she’d learned a lot from the podcast, but she finds it challenging to shift into action gear. This is a common problem for everyone. Often we engage in a pattern of overthinking, planning, strategizing, and worrying rather than a pattern of action. We need to develop a system of specific practices to make effective changes and shift our mindset into taking action! 

Today’s episode is all about equipping yourself with the tools to act. We can equip these tools to overcome the barriers in our lives that keep us from accomplishing what we want. 


Know What You Want


An essential part of shifting into action is to be specific with what you want. Do not be broad with your goals. Many people have a general sense of what areas in their lives need changing, but they lack the specificity to make practical changes. Having a broad goal is a good starting point, but you need to define your specific steps to get you there. 

I found myself wanting to be a more peaceful person and less stressed. That was an excellent starting point, but I needed to determine separate action steps to work towards that broader goal. I decided that I wanted to be a more steady, less reactive person, and so now I work on that through meditation. I started with a broader goal, but I broke it down into more specific, actionable steps to move towards my goal rather than just wishing that I was moving towards it. 

It’s entirely acceptable to have many different areas that you want to work on, but you need to define them separately so that you can take actionable steps towards your different goals! If you have both fitness goals and business goals, you’ll need to determine separate practices for reaching those distinct goals. For example, actionable steps for your business goal may involve developing a habit of networking while your fitness goal may include developing a pattern of daily exercise. 

When developing these patterns, it’s essential to shift away from the habit of inaction that springs from over-analysis. 


Avoid Inaction and Develop Balance


To take action in our lives, we need to step away from the learning, planning, and hoping modes that hinder us from actually doing. We need to develop a habit of action over inaction. You won’t see change if you just learn, plan, and hope to get in better shape — you have to take actionable steps like hitting the gym or changing your dietary habits to get the results that you want! 

Something that often overwhelms people when working on the different areas of their lives is worrying about working on every area daily. They get bogged down by the thought of having to do too much, and that daunting feeling keeps them from working towards what they want. Don’t stress about having to work on every area every day. Some days you will have to prioritize one area over another. If you’re spending much of your day working on your relationships, you may not have time to work on your business, and that is completely fine! 

It’s essential to strike a balance in the different areas needing improvement in your life, but you will not be able to work on everything daily. Work on the different areas with specific practices, but don’t let yourself succumb to frustration over being unable to put every one of those specific practices into everyday use.  

Also, don’t get overwhelmed by thinking that you’re required to do specific practices for hours of your day. It’s okay to spend only a few minutes working on a specific practice or multitasking while doing it. I put my meditation into practice, but some days I may only meditate for a few minutes or while I’m doing something else. I sometimes meditate while I’m in the shower or when I’m trying to fall asleep at night. A specific practice does not need to consume much of your day to be effective. 


Be the Best Version of Yourself Every Day


A practice that I teach in my 12 Weeks of Transformation program is the identity journal. We utilize questions to direct us into what specific actions we need to take in our lives. We use the challenges that we face on a weekly basis and turn those challenges into opportunities to develop patterns and engage in beneficial practices. We ask ourselves how we can take daily action to work towards our goals. For example, if your goal is to grow your business, you might ask yourself, “How can I grow my network today?” Ask yourself specific, actionable questions that you can today to overcome the challenges in your life. 

If a challenge that you’re facing is losing weight, a specific practice that you may need to implement is healthy eating. You might use your identity journal to ask, “How can I eat healthy today?” You continue asking yourself that question daily so that you can develop consistency in that specific practice and develop a healthy eating pattern. 

We focus on winning every day and striving to be the best version of ourselves. An essential part of being that best version of yourself is not carrying your past self with you. It’s okay if you weren’t the best version of yourself yesterday — just focus on today. Don’t let your unhealthy patterns from last year determine how you’re going to be this year. Focus on what you CAN do rather than what you can’t do. You’re never going to be able to change your previous self, so focus on being the best version right now rather than beat yourself up about who you’ve been. 

To become a person who engages in patterns of consistent action towards their goals, you need to approach every day with fresh enthusiasm in getting things done. Leave behind yesterday, and focus on being the best you today. Ask yourself, “What can I do today?” and “Who can I be today?” Don’t waste your attention on what you can’t do. 


Developing a SYSTEM


I recently heard a helpful acronym for shifting into action gear called SYSTEM — “Save Your Self Time, Energy, and Money.” We must develop systems in every area of our lives that we want to improve.

If you find yourself struggling in a particular area, the chances are that you don’t have a proper system in place. You may be struggling with house cleaning or developing healthy eating habits because you lack the organizational system to break down what you need to do into specific, actionable patterns. For example, a common system is the evening routine. Often people use their evenings to lay out their clothes and make lunches to save themselves time, energy, and money the next day. 

A system that I’ve developed for myself is focusing on a different task every day of the week. On Mondays, I record webinars, coaching audios, and focus on other work that involves my 12 Weeks of Transformation program. Tuesdays, I record podcasts, and I write on Wednesdays. I structure my days like this because then I don’t have to waste my time and energy with the question, “What do I need to get done today?” I have the pattern of different tasks on different days so that I can entirely focus my attention on the daily task at hand. This system enables me to get everything done related to Primal Potential in a time-effective way. 

We need to develop systems in different areas of our lives to take on the challenges and tasks that we face in a manageable way. The 12 Weeks of Transformation is a great system because we take on the different challenges in our lives through the identity journalling, daily coaching audios, and weekly coaching webinars. We develop patterns of implementing specific practices to grow in the different areas of our lives. 


Seek Help From Others 


A valuable method of developing patterns of action is to surround yourself with other achievers. When you’re part of a community that also wants to grow, you have others holding you accountable and inspiring you to continue working on yourself. 

This idea of communal growth is what formed my Masters Club. People didn’t want to leave the community of action and growth after finishing my 12 Weeks of Transformation, so we developed a community of achievers even though we had the tools to change independently. You don’t necessarily need other people to help you change your patterns, but it’s extremely beneficial if you’re having difficulty. 

Another way in which people can develop a mindset of action is by getting a coach. Coaches are essential for those moments in which we feel overwhelmed or unmotivated to continue working on ourselves. I utilize an incredibly helpful coach who has helped guide me to where I am today. Our conversations make my steps to further success so much clearer. I’m able to effectively direct my attention to what actions I need to take through our edifying conversations. 

Not everyone wants a coach to help them make changes — and that’s completely fine! — but many need that additional outside assistance to guide them on their journey to developing the mindset of action. This is why so many have informed me that they benefited from the 12 Weeks of Transformation program.

Only recently, someone told me that they joined the program because they didn’t trust themselves to make the changes on their own — and that’s completely understandable! Sometimes we need that additional help to push us towards who we want to become.  


Write a Letter to Your Future Self


Finally, I recommend that you write a letter to future yourself 90 days from now about what you want to achieve within that time. You can write about the different ways that you’ve grown and the healthy habits that you’ve created and the consistency that you’ve upheld. I wrote a letter to myself about how I’ve done a great job of becoming a calmer person because that is what I’m going to achieve within those 90 days. I wrote down who I want to be in 90 days, and now I’m going to do it! 

In my 12 Weeks of Transformation program, I’m having everyone send me their letters to help them become that person they’re writing to in their message! 

I encourage you to get on the waitlist for our next 12 Weeks of Transformation! If you value structure, guidance, accountability, and coaching, then this program is for you! It is all about you and getting you to overcome what’s holding you back. The program consists of a more personal and structured approach to beat day-to-day obstacles and realize your full potential! I’ve talked to so many people who have gone through the program and said that it helped them become a better parent or spouse and that it made them feel more confident and happier. I want that for all you, friends! If you think this may be right for you, don’t hesitate to check out the 12 Weeks of Transformation!

Join Now

During these trying times, I also recommend that you sign up for our daily mindset upgrades. I send out daily texts of encouragement to help you develop a pattern of action.

If you want to connect on social media, follow me on Instagram (@Elizabethbenton) and Facebook (@Primalpotentialpodcast)!

Friends, I hope this episode inspires you to seize the opportunity to make changes in your life. Now is your time to develop good habits and take active steps towards success!

 Elizabeth Benton



  1. The most common barriers that prevent people from taking action, and the simple steps you can take to overcome them
  2. One of the biggest impacts having a coach has on your life, and how my own recently reminded me of this
  3. The 6 Steps you need to take to become a person who not only comes up with a great plan, but then executes on this each and every time
  4. The huge (yet underrated) role “specificity” plays in this 6 Step Process, and the steps you can take to become more specific with your actions
  5. The single biggest aspect of “balance” that most people overlook, but arguably plays the largest role in achieving balance in your life
  6. How most people compare themselves to who they used to be, and how this holds you back and prevents you from acting on today
  7. The role SYSTEMS play in all this, and how you don’t need to be good at creating them to implement them into your life
  8. How I recently challenged myself to write an important letter, and the massive impact it’s already had on me, my work and my mindset


652: In A Rut? Feeling Stuck & Other Listener Questions

Are you in a rut? Today we’re tackling ruts and other awesome listener questions. If you have a question or topic for the show, you can submit it here.

Here are the questions addressed in today’s episode:

  • Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
  • How do I get myself out of a rut? This rut seems to come and go often in my life.
  • How do I become better at setting limits?
  • How can I keep my determination heightened?
  • How can I overcome the pull of pleasure that comes from indulging?

If you want to learn more about the Fall 12 Weeks to Transformation, make sure you’re on the wait list!

Hop on the Wait List!

We have a totally free webinar coming up on Wednesday Sept 11th at 8pm ET on the 3 new rules for success.










650: Coming from a Place of Possibility

Hi friends! Today, I’m happy to bring you Episode 650 of Primal Potential! Primal Potential is a podcast all about you — your ability to change is not defined by yesterday and doesn’t need to wait until tomorrow. Your transformation is now, no matter what stage you find yourself in life!

I’m so excited to share an edifying conversation that I had with one of my clients from the 12 Weeks of Transformation program! We dove deep in our discussion of self-affirmations and coming from a place of possibility rather than limitation! 

So often, we find ourselves getting in the way of our goals by putting limitations on what we can do. People need to shift their mindset into realizing that there are no limitations to your potential when you strive to overcome your doubts, delays, and inconsistencies. You have no limits when you get into the habit of pushing yourself forward and opening yourself up to possibility.

I’m going to share with you parts of my conversation with my client to illuminate her journey in shifting her mindset. She overcame her self-imposed limitations through positive affirmations and by pushing herself out of her comfort zone. The 12 Weeks of Transformation program immensely helped her develop the tools she needed to change her life, and it can help transform your life, too! 


Avoiding Negative Self-Talk


We began our conversation by discussing the common downfall of using a harsh internal voice to motivate your behavior. Many are under the misconception that talking to yourself like a drill sergeant will prompt you to change. They think that being hyper-critical of themselves will push them to grow. That may work temporarily, but that kind of intense self-scrutiny and negativity isn’t sustainable for changing your life. It may prompt you to eat healthier for a few meals or hit the gym a few times, but being hard on yourself will cause you to like yourself less and distrust yourself more.

Mindset is critical in your journey to change, so developing an unhealthy mindset of self-deprecation and negativity will disrupt your long term growth. It’s essential to develop the mindset of self-love and positivity. Loving yourself rather than antagonizing yourself will push you to make sustainable changes. 

Happier people are healthier, so put your drill sergeant to rest and adopt a positive internal voice!


Developing New Practices Through Affirmations


Affirmations are helpful tools to instill a positive and productive mindset. I teach affirmations in my 12 Weeks of Transformation program because they tap into your ability to self-love and transform your mindset into believing in your capacity for growth. 

My client finds affirmations essential in her journey towards limitless growth. She observed that we’re constantly self-talking, so it’s crucial to tell ourselves affirmations to initiate change. Specific affirmations that have helped her include “Being calm and present in the moment” and “I’m turning my weaknesses into strengths.” She recorded both these and other affirmations on her phone and reads them three times a day. 

Even though the transition into using affirmation may seem awkward at first, we must train ourselves to get into the pattern of positive self-talk. You can use your affirmations to push yourself towards your goals. For example, when my client first started using her affirmation “being calm and present in the moment,” it didn’t immediately instill a calmer demeanor — she used it repeatedly to train herself to remember to remain calm during her stressful day. 

Sometimes my client forgot to use the affirmation at a stressful moment and remembered it later, but eventually, she was able to shift her way of thinking through her use of the affirmation to keep calm during her stressful workdays. She retrained her brain by using her affirmation. Believing in your affirmations isn’t an instantaneous process — it’s a practice that you continue progressing in until it becomes mentally ingrained and changes your behavior. 

My 12 Weeks of Transformation program stresses taking on daily problems head-on through affirmations. Rather than getting stuck on the problem itself, we train ourselves to focus on finding the solution. Affirmations are all about developing positive beliefs and habits moving towards what we want. Having a daily affirmation such as, “I’m going to improve my financial situation today,” will shift your mindset into continuously making active changes towards your goal of financial success!

It may feel uncomfortable to utilize daily affirmations at first, but making changes in your life will always begin with getting out of your comfort zone. Everything that you want in your life is on the opposite side of the comfort zone, so you need to develop the mindset of overcoming your discomfort and insecurities. 

When you’re initially making changes in your life — like managing your money with more responsibility or developing new eating habits — there will always be a degree of discomfort, but you need to become the kind of person that doesn’t stop when facing adversity but starts. You need to train yourself to continue pushing yourself towards your goals!


Recognizing Our Limitless Potential


When you’re able to overcome your comfort zone and continue pushing yourself, there are no limitations to what you can do. If you remove your self-imposed limitations — remove your doubts, delays, and inconsistencies — the world opens up, and everything you previously regarded as a restriction disappears. My 12 Weeks of Transformation program helps individuals shift their way of thinking to realize that there are no limitations except for the ones that we put on ourselves. Once you’re able to get out of your own way, you can begin making serious changes in every area of your life and continue growing! 

My client discussed how looking back at the changes that she has already made motivated her towards further growth. She feels inspired when thinking back and noting the positive habits and changes that she made over the years. She realized that shifting her mindset enabled her to develop patterns of daily growth that never need to stop! She overcame the excuses that kept her from taking action, and now all of her self-imposed restrictions are gone! 

Like my client, you need to realize that you are in control of your own life, so don’t hinder yourself by your excuses, doubts, delays, and inconsistencies. Once you open up your world’s possibilities, you can improve every area of your life — your health, fitness, family, and finances! 

Recognizing your limitless ability to change opens up the door to endless possibilities — so go after it and make changes in your life! You can motivate yourself by thinking about how amazing you can be if you do your best and not hold yourself back!   


Changing Your Mindset to Open Yourself up to Possibility 


I asked my client what prompted her to start the 12 Weeks of Transformation program and begin changing her life. She told me that she recognized that the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of changing. She realized that she wasn’t happy with her choices in life, but coming to that realization illuminated the fact that she was in control and could change it. 

My client changed her life by shifting her mindset. She worked on herself and developed patterns of growth through perseverance and engaging with constructive books and podcasts — this podcast included — that helped open up her limitless potential. Through my 12 Weeks of Transformation program, she successfully shifted her mindset to remove the self-imposed limitations and developed a habit of action. She realized that with a mindset change, she could approach life with possibility rather than with self-imposed limitations and continue growing without any restrictions. 

My client discussed how the 12 Weeks of Transformation program helped her on her journey to limitless improvement. It inspired her to improve her relationship with her partner and not to settle for working a mediocre job. She admits that moving on from her secure job is scary, but she recognizes the importance of taking the plunge and getting out of her comfort zone to pursue the best version of herself!

I was so encouraged and inspired by my conversation with my client! I’m ecstatic to see her thrive, and I’m looking forward to seeing how she continues growing in her limitless potential! 

We are truly limitless, friends! You can always continue growing and progressing in the different areas of your life to accomplish everything you’re striving for and more!

I encourage you to get on the waitlist for our next 12 Weeks of Transformation! It will help transform you into approaching your life from a place of possibility rather than limitation! If you’re having difficulty tapping into your limitless potential or think that you can be doing more to grow, this course is 100% for you. It is all about you and getting you to overcome what’s holding you back. The program consists of a more personal and structured approach to beat day-to-day obstacles so that you can become that amazing person that you’re capable of becoming! If you think this may be right for you, don’t hesitate to check out the 12 Weeks of Transformation.

Learn More on the Wait List!

During these difficult times, I also recommend that you sign up for our daily mindset upgrades. I send out daily texts to encourage you to continue pushing yourself to progress!

If you want to connect on social media, follow me on Instagram (@Elizabethbenton) and Facebook (@Primalpotentialpodcast)!

Friends, I hope this episode inspires you to get out of your comfort zone and never stop pursuing your limitless potential! You are only bound by the limitations that you set for yourself. Overcome those barriers and strive towards unlimited growth! 


Elizabeth Benton

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