674: 10 Rules for Success

What separates successful people from those who are stuck in the “struggle”? When you’re stuck in it, it often feels impossible to break free; as though it’s out of your control. Yet successful people also face adversity, obstacles and pain. It’s how they approach all this that sets them apart…

In this episode, I discuss the 10 rules of success that successful people live by. I was inspired to record this after two recent conversations I’ve had. Speaking to these two powerful, successful women made me question: is success a choice? Can we choose to escape the struggle?

Yes! I explain how in this episode, sharing the 10 rules of success that successful people commit to on a daily basis. I’ve written an article that accompanies this below, so whether you read, listen or both… make today the day you choose to break free from the struggle for good.


  1. How two recent conversations inspired this episode on success, “the struggle” and what is possible for you and your life
  2. About the way successful people think and act, and how these common traits shine through no matter who the person is or their situation
  3. The 10 rules successful people live by, and how those stuck in the “struggle” tend to lose sight of these
  4. BUT how even those in the struggle often abide by at least a few of these rules already
  5. The role awareness plays in all this, and how it’s oftentimes the first step (and one of the most important you can take)
  6. That successful people don’t face fewer obstacles than anyone else (they usually face more), but how they react to them and prepare for them that differs to most
  7. What the most important rule is, and how even if you master the other nine… it all unravels unless you master this ONE aspect
  8. How you can ensure 2020 is your year of success, and the steps you can take today to make this happen


Is success a choice? Or are some people just destined for it?

Go back a few years and I subscribed to the latter. I didn’t think it was possible for me. It was too hard, and I wasn’t sure if it would even be worth it. Some people seem to have it, and others don’t.

I wasn’t one of them. And that was okay… I guess.

If you know me at all today, you know I no longer think this way. I know success is possible. It’s a choice. It isn’t reserved for a special bunch, and it has little to do with money. The most successful people in the world weren’t destined to become a success story. They faced adversity, too. They had to struggle.

It wasn’t easy for them, yet these are the excuses so many people use. “I’m not successful because”

  • I don’t have the time…
  • I have a family…
  • I’m sick, or someone I love is…
  • I didn’t have the best upbringing…
  • I don’t have a degree or experience…

I’ve been stuck in the “struggle”, too. I spent a lot of my life there. It was hard. At times, it felt impossible to escape it. But I did, and as I look back now I only wish I had broken free sooner.

Because it was never not available to me.
At any point in my life, I could have chosen success.

Two Recent Conversations Led Me To This…

I recently had two incredible conversations with two powerful, successful women.

If you haven’t listened to these two conversations in full, I encourage you to because they were so impactful. I walked away from both with a surge of energy.

I heard stories about their past and their struggles, and the journey they’ve taken to who they are today.

They chose success, despite it seeming like success didn’t choose them.

A question formed in my head… is success a choice? 

I knew it was, which means there must be certain rules successful people live by that everyone else does not. I reflected on this and came up with 10 rules for success that I’d like to share with you here.

I learned these, not just from speaking to Bec and Megan but having escaped the struggle myself…

1: Successful People Pay Attention Instead of Avoiding

Before we get into it, I encourage you to listen to the podcast episode that accompanies this article. I talk about all 10 rules in greater detail and share lots of stories and examples.

Listen to the podcast episode here ⇒ 

And look, chances are you live by some of these rules already. That’s great. But be honest with yourself. It has to be a strength of yours. If you only do one of the rules sometimes, it’s not a strength.

Make it your aim to work on all 10 rules and turn each one into a strength.

Starting with this one: Pay Attention!

Successful people do. They’re aware of how they feel, what their biggest problem is and where their focus should go. They’re also aware of when they’re avoiding something.

It’s a sign to tackle it right now. Because it won’t go away until you do, and it will only get worse.

Awareness is always the first step. I share a few questions I ask myself throughout the day to achieve this in the episode. It’s so simple to do, but the impact it has is incredible.

2: Successful People Create Clarity

Anytime you meet a successful person you can guarantee they’re clear on what they’re doing. They have a purpose, vision and mission. They keep it top of mind, focussing on it each day.

Does life try to distract them? Of course.
But they don’t let it. They remain clear on their path.

This is one of the main reasons I journal. Each day, I remind myself of where I’m going. I reconnect to it and get clear on what I need to do to progress.

3: Successful People Make Growth a Priority

This is a big one and is why so many people are stuck in the “struggle”. Each day, they react to life. It doesn’t feel like they have hold of the wheel, and that’s because they don’t.

They rush from one task to another and react to put out fires here, there and everywhere.

Successful people DO NOT do this. They don’t go through the motions and allow life to get the better of them. They make growth a priority, every single day: be it personal growth, their business or relationships.

They set aside time for it. They plan for it. They prioritize it, and it’s always high on their list.

4: Successful People Pursue Possibility

The cliche says that you’re either glass-half-full or glass-half-empty.

Those in the “struggle” are the latter. Maybe they weren’t always like this. Maybe they don’t think like this all the time. But when it comes to making a change, they focus on the obstacles in front of them instead of the opportunities on the other side.

Successful people have the same obstacles and barriers. But they also have a vision and know what’s possible if they achieve it. They don’t focus on all the times they failed in the past. They look at those as a lesson to make this next time count.

Make the impossible, possible!

5: Successful People Do Not Rush!

I used to find this strange, because I’d meet a truly successful person who had a much busier and more chaotic life than me, yet still seemed to be on top of things.

How is that possible?

Where everyone else rushes through life, they seem to take their time…

It’s a choice. It’s one I’m still learning to make, and am working on it each day. I cannot control life or what it throws at me, and being a business owner and soon-to-be-mother means I’ll always have a full schedule. Yet I don’t need to rush, multitask and think about the next thing before I finish this thing!

You can choose to be present, quiet your mind and focus on NOW. Take your time. Do it right. You don’t have to rush. Successful people don’t. It’s one of the reasons they’re successful in the first place.

6: Successful People Take Ownership Instead of Making Excuses

Sometimes something will go wrong. Maybe it’s your fault. Maybe it’s somebody else’s. The go-to reaction for almost everyone is to assign blame. Get angry. Get frustrated. Get mad and focus all your energy on the thing that went wrong.

Yeah… doesn’t make much sense, does it?

Instead of using all your energy on the mistake, you could use it on finding the solution. This is what successful people do. They take ownership no matter what and focus on getting past the problem, not clinging to it.

7: Successful People Look For The Lesson

This follows on from above…

  • Don’t play the victim
  • Don’t have a pity party
  • Don’t assign blame

Whatever happens, look for the lesson. See the mistake as a stepping stone to a better solution. This is what successful people do, and it allows them to grow faster and farther.

8: Successful People Are Excited

It isn’t to say they don’t have bad days, feel sad or cry at night. They aren’t always happy and live life at 100%. Successful people are still people, and emotions like these are part of the journey.

Yet successful people are excited about the mission they’re on.

They focus on what’s ahead, not what’s happened beforehand. Those stuck in the “struggle” tend to look at what went wrong, and it stops them from feeling excited about their goal/dream/vision/purpose…

Be excited. Allow yourself to feel excited about the journey ahead!

9: Successful People Deliberately Practice Discipline

Remember, successful people weren’t destined for the life they lead. They had to work for it. They had to commit to it and show up every single day. They chose to be disciplined. They weren’t born with it.

It’s a choice; a conscious one.
It’s one you have to make for yourself.

No matter what you want from life, you have to practice, show up and put in the work. It isn’t easy and you won’t always want to do it. Successful people don’t either, but they do because they know what it takes.

10:  Successful People Take Action

This may be the most important rule of all…

It’s one you can practice right now.
Don’t just read this. Don’t just listen to the podcast.

Take action.
DO something!

Spend a few minutes thinking about what success means to you. Define it. Get clear on it.
Think about what success isn’t, and consider the path you’re currently on.

Make notes on what you’ve just read.
Listen to the podcast and ask yourself the questions I mention in it.

Take action. Until you do, nothing will change.

Thanks for reading and listening. If you haven’t already, please listen to the podcast that accompanies this article in full. I not only dive deeper into these 10 rules but share a few stories, examples and practices I personally use to get conscious on my success.

I never used to. I too, like so many others… remained stuck in the “struggle”.

I escaped it, and I believe anyone can. Maybe you’re there right now. Maybe not. Either way, these 10 rules can help you fulfill your best self and live the life you deserve.

Thanks again for listening and reading. If you have any questions about these 10 rules, add them in the comments below. And to subscribe to the podcast and connect with me on social media, follow the links below.


673: Are There Some Things We Just Need to Accept (About Ourselves)

Can we change everything about ourselves or are there some things we just need to accept? This is one of many topics we’re diving into today on this Q&A episode of the podcast!

  • I know that if you think you’re an emotional eater that is what you’ll live like. But: what if that’s what you really are? And what about being stubborn? Is that a characteristic that is really you or what? Can you really change everything you want or is it that sometimes you need to just accept that that is who you are?
  • How do I push myself to get to my goal?
  • Are values and standards the same thing?
  • My knees hurt, I’m 80 lbs over weight, but my doctor told me I should exercise. I’m working 2 jobs and am in graduate school full time, I’m barely getting my 7 hours of sleep a it is. What can I do?
  • I was wondering if you had any suggestions for adult acne? Can it be cured through one’s diet?

Today we’re giving away a bottle of Mood+! You can enter to win our weekly prizes in any or all of the following 3 ways:

  • Leave a rating and review of the Primal Potential podcast in Apple Podcasts
  • Leave a review of Chasing Cupcakes on Amazon
  • Tag me on IG or FB with your fave Primal Potential episode or something you’ve learned from the show!

672: How to Make the Next 10 Years Exponentially Better Than the Last

The next 10 years can be exponentially better than the last 10 years. You can choose to make huge changes, especially in those areas of life you don’t think are possible. They are. Your past doesn’t define your future, which is what we explore in today’s episode as I speak with author, wife, mom and coach, Megan Valentine.

Megan and I explore what’s possible, how to build a powerful vision and get clear on the life YOU desire. As well as exploring Megan’s journey with some revealing stories, we focus on practical steps you can take to make the changes you need to.

I’ve written an article that explores this further, so whether you choose to read, listen or both, be sure to let go of your past and embrace who you can be. Through Megan’s advice, you’ll soon be set free to make the next 10 years of your life exponentially better than the last 10 years.


  1. How one of her daughter’s school reports forced Megan to think about how she was living her life, and whether it was how she wished to continue to live.
  2. The impact in giving yourself the space to think and reflect, and how you can do this even if you live a busy and full life.
  3. How to overcome self-doubt, and how these insecure moments can pave the way for huge growth in the future.
  4. How sometimes your greatest mentor maybe someone closer to you than you can ever imagine.
  5. The sweet spot between being present and dreaming about the future, and why this is so important to your personal growth.
  6. The difference between hard work and heart work, and how learning to do both can drastically change the next 10 years of your life.
  7. How YOU are both the obstacle and the way (and what you can do to take control of this).
  8. The role “expectations” play in your life, and how learning to change them can set you free.


“You were born to blaze new trails, pioneer great adventures, reclaim new territory, take daring risks. You were born to tell an original story. Be God strong and foolishly courageous, let faith, not fear be your compass.”

I recently read this quote from the ‘House of Belonging’ in Megan Valentine’s book, ‘No Place Like Known’. As soon as I read these words I thought about a topic close to my heart: what is possible.

So often we settle for less.
We don’t take risks because we’re scared.
We don’t believe we can escape the life we’ve always known.

The Impossible is possible for some. But not me. I’m not like them.

Instead of saying yes, you say no. There’s always a reason.

  • I don’t have the time right now…
  • I don’t have the energy…
  • I don’t have enough money…
  • I have too much on my plate already…
  • I’m just not ready for it. Maybe one day, but not now…

There’s always a reason not to do what you know you need to. There’s always an obstacle (or ten). That’s life. It will never change. No amount of waiting for the “perfect” period will help this.

All it does is waste your time.

So what you need to ask yourself is: do I want the next ten years to be the same as the last ten?

This is the question that sparked huge transformation in Megan Valentine’s life. As she read one of her daughter’s school project about what she liked and didn’t like. She write about how she didn’t like the dark, sharks and… hurrying up.

A knot in Megan’s stomach formed.

She realized how much of a hurry she was in. How the previous ten years had gone by so fast, and how she spent so little time appreciating where she was. Instead of living her life, she survived it. She wasn’t at the wheel, she merely sat in the back going along with the ride. And it turns out she had been hurrying up her daughter at the same time.

Did she want her next 10 years to be like this?

How To Make Your Next 10 Years Better Than The Last 10 — with Megan Valentine.

In the latest episode of the Primal Potential podcast, I have a conversation with Megan Valentine about transformation, letting go of your past and redefining what is possible.

I encourage you to listen to our conversation in full, as this article only touches upon some of the aspects we talk about. It’s one of the most impactful conversations I’ve had recently, and I hope you take as much from it as I have.

It’s inspired me to write this article and consider a few key insights I took from Megan.

Each one is a reminder for me on how to live life now (and moving forward into the future).

Megan’s a great example of not settling. Where you’ve come from, and who you’ve been doesn’t have to define who you are, will be and where you’re heading.

Let go of your past and embrace the future you deserve.

1: Grace and Space

Megan had a career. A great job with greater prospects ahead. She also had a young family, and a schedule that was always full; too full.

Always go-go-go, Megan never had the time to step back to appreciate what she had.

She rushed through life. Her youngest daughter wasn’t like that, however. During our call, Megan described her daughter, talking about the type of person she was.

“Me, I get off one rollercoaster and I’m walking to the next one. But my daughter likes to stop, take what’s going in around her. ‘Mom, look, just come and look at this flower. Isn’t it beautiful.’”

Megan began to see how she lived life. Her schedule was in charge of her, not the other way around. But your schedule is only ever as full as you allow it to be. You have a choice. You have certain control.

Once her daughter turned ten-years-old, Megan asked herself if she wanted the next 10 years to be like the last 10 years. She didn’t. She wanted to have more space, and more time to appreciate what she had.

She prioritized her responsibilities and gave herself permission to reflect and slow down. It changed her life and helped her see A LOT of what was going on beneath the surface.

2: The Sweet Spot of Today and Tomorrow

Some people are dreamers, taking the time to sit back and think about who they will be tomorrow (and many years into the future). You create a vision. You can see it and practically touch it. It’s wonderful to have a vision like this, but dangerous if you spend too much time dreaming of tomorrow.

It stops you from living in the present.

So maybe you flip the script and focus on today. You slow down and remove thoughts of the future. You learn to love where you are and take life as it comes day-by-day. This is also good, but without thoughts of where you’re going, you can slip into a life of settling and going through the motions.

You need to find the sweet spot between enjoying today but also make decisions that prepare you for an amazing tomorrow.

Megan talked about this during our conversation. She spent so long dreaming of tomorrow that she spent no time appreciating the present. So she worked hard on fixing this, only to lose sight of her vision and the life she wished to build.

It isn’t either-or. You don’t have to choose between today or tomorrow. It’s possible to be both present and think of the future. Megan talked about how she found this sweet spot by giving herself permission to do both.

Dream, and also reflect.
You are so often both the obstacle and the way.

You are what holds you back, but also the solution to set you free.

3: The Difference Between Hard Work and Heart Work

Megan mentioned the difference between Hard Work and Heart Work on our call, and how you need both to live the successful life you desire.

To achieve all your dreams… it requires a lot of hard work. It won’t come easy. You need to commit to it fully, challenge yourself, invest in yourself and work harder than you ever have before.

It won’t just happen for you. You won’t wake up one day and have it.

You need to work for it, but you also need to be kind and listen to your heart. When Megan talked about ‘heart work’, she spoke of looking within, listening to your inner voice and investing in yourself.

  • What are you feeling?
  • What holds you back?
  • What have you learned today?
  • Who are you today, and who do you want to be?

You won’t have the life you desire by simply working harder. A successful business is only as successful as the person behind it. You need to grow you, upgrade your mindset and focus on… YOU.

Hard Work and Heart Work… you need both.

What Will the Next 10 Years Look Like For You?

My conversation with Megan seemed ideal, considering we’re about to enter a new decade.

As I think of 2009 and recall who I was back then, I consider what I’ve learned over the last 10 years.

  • How far have I come?
  • If I was to define this decade, how would I define it?
  • And… what comes next?

As we enter 2020, not just a new year but a new decade, I’ll become a mother. How do I want the next 10 years to play out? What do I want my daughter’s first 10 years on this planet to be like?

How do I want these next 10 years to play out for me, my business and my relationships?

You don’t need to wait for a new decade to think about all this. Today, right now, this very moment… you can choose to make the next 10 years exponentially better than the last 10 years. You get to choose that for you. It’s your choice. It’s within your control.

Speaking to Megan reminded me of this. I hope you listen to the episode in full, and I hope it impacts you as much as it has done for me.


Thanks for reading and listening. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to listen to my conversation with Megan Valentine in full (and consider reading her book ‘No Place Like Known’). As we enter a new decade, this conversation seems more relevant than ever.

Yet the reality is, asking these questions is relevant at all times.

Do you want the next 10 years to be better than the last 10 years?

How do you want to define the next decade: for you, your family, your business…?

Huge thanks to Megan for sharing her incredible journey with us. Please listen to it in full and take action on the steps she offers. And if you would like to start 2020 in the best possible way, I encourage you to join the 12 Weeks To Transformation wait list.

We focus on much of what we talk about in today’s episode, so join the wait list now and I’ll send you more details of 12 Weeks To Transformation soon.

Thanks again for listening and reading. If you have any questions about any of the topics we discussed in this episode, add them in the comments below. And to subscribe to the podcast and connect with me on social media, follow the links below.



668: The 9 Hallmarks of The Hard Road (and how to take the easy one instead)

Do you ever feel like you’re on the ‘Hard Road’, and that maybe life is harder than it should be? Each time you make changes, it’s so hard to progress (even just a little). It always feels like an uphill battle, and often as though life is out to get you…

What if I told you there was another way, and that YOU get to choose to take the Hard Road or the easier one. Because the reality is, it is your choice. You get to choose, and you always have had this choice.

In today’s episode I talk about the 9 Hallmarks of the Hard Road, and the alternatives you can choose to take to enjoy the easier one: the road where you do progress, you do win and you do grow. 

I’ve written an article that accompanies this, which overviews these 9 Hallmarks of the Hard Road. Whether you choose to read or listen (or both), I hope it inspires you to take control of the path you take.


  1. Why taking the Hard Road is always a choice, even when it doesn’t feel like you have any control over it
  2. How this is one of the most common issues I come across with my clients (and how I too struggled with it for years)
  3. What the 9 Hallmarks of the Hard Road are (and how each one holds you back and prevents you from fulfilling your true self)
  4. The 8 Hallmarks of the Easier Road (and how you can choose each one of these whenever you like)
  5. How these choices are never a one-time deal, but rather you need to commit to choosing them again-and-again (often, on a daily basis)
  6. The damage comparing yourself to others has on you, your mindset and the path you choose to take
  7. Why mindset is always more important than skillset (always!)
  8. How everything discussed in today’s episode is a practice, but it’s one inside your control at all times


Do you ever reach the end of the day, lay in bed and wonder if all “this” is worth it?

… like you’re sprinting on the beach, the sand slipping under your feet.

… as though you’re going uphill, no matter what you seem to do.

… that everything is that much harder than it needs to be.

It feels out of your control. Life has you on the Hard Road, and nothing you seem to do makes a difference. It’s tough. You want to make changes in your life, but each time you do you get nowhere fast.

At least, not without A LOT of effort!

Maybe it’s to do with your diet or health…

Maybe it surrounds time management or work…

Maybe you’re trying to focus on your relationships…

Whatever it is, making changes in your life seems much harder than it should be. It runs you down, and maybe like I used to, you lay in bed at night exhausted; you sometimes even want to quit.

You’re on the hard road. 

Some people are on the easy road.

But YOU are not one of them!

Yeah, I’ve been there. I speak to people all the time who are also on the hard road. They tell me how painful it is, and that most of it’s out of their control. I nod along because I understand. 

I used to feel like this… 

The problem is, this isn’t true. Life on the hard road is a choice. If you find yourself on it, it’s because you chose it. That may sound unfair, but it’s true. In this article I’ll explain why, introducing you to the 9 Hallmarks of The Hard Road.

Each one’s a choice. You can choose NOT to do each one of these. 

Once you do, you’ll step off the hard road and onto a much easier one.

(note: I’ve written this article on the back of my most recent episode for the Primal Potential podcast. For greater context, examples and personal stories, I encourage you to listen to this episode in full)

1: Valuing Novelty and Intensity Over Consistency

I see this in my clients all the time. I used to struggle with this one too, especially around food, diets and weight loss. There’s always a new trend or shiny object to follow. Each one promises you success, so you drop everything and dive into this new, guaranteed method / program / technique / whatever…

The new thing is always the more attractive thing.

Especially true when this new thing promises you overnight success. The problem is, each time you choose novelty or intensity over consistency, you place yourself on the hard road.

Success almost always comes down to turning up day-after-day. Commiting to consistency is all you need, so the longer you bounce from one idea to another, the longer you’ll stay on the hard road.

2: Putting Off Until Later What You Don’t Feel Like Prioritizing Today

We’re all guilty of procrastination. You know what you need to do, but you don’t feel like it so you put it off until later. As though you’ll feel like doing it this evening, tomorrow or next week.

Come on. You know what happens when you do this… you just reach tomorrow and go through it again.

It’s short term gain that produces long term pain. The longer you put off what you need to do now, the longer you’re stay on the hard road is. Sure, it may be easier to put it off until later. 

But it keeps you stuck where you are right now.

Stop putting it off. Do what you have to. Get it done… NOW!

3: Focusing on Your Skillset More Than Your Mindset

I recently spoke with a client who was stuck. She couldn’t decide whether she should join a new fasting course she wanted to take. She knew investing into it meant she couldn’t invest into other areas of her life.

She also told me how she had been struggling to show up and consistently make the right decisions. She knew what she needed to do, but kept coming up with excuses and putting things off.

So I said to her: “it sounds like you have a mindset issue, not a skillset one. I’m not sure learning more about fasting will help you achieve your goals.”

In an instant, she knew what she had been doing and knew what she had to do next. Oftentimes, the biggest barrier preventing you from making progress is within you. 

Learning more about a skill does nothing but distract you from the root cause.

You want to learn more, instead of DOING something about it.

4: Investing Energy into The Problem Instead of Acting on The Solution

This used to get me all the time. When something bad happened, I’d focus all my energy on the problem.

  • Who was to blame.
  • What the mistake was, and who made it.
  • What it would cost, both time and money.
  • How bad it was, and how it would set me back.

You become a victim, and reserve all your energy for playing it. Why? What’s the point? 

Surely it’s better to draw a line on the problem and focus all your time, energy and effort into the solution. 

You can’t change the past, but you do get to choose what happens next…

5: Making Yourself a Victim of Factors Outside Your Control

Speaking of making yourself a victim…

So often this is a choice. Something outside of our control happens, and we play the victim. 

  • Someone else says something or does something to us.
  • Some random situation happens, and it impacts us.
  • Something happens and it releases anger, fear or some other emotion…

If you can’t control it, don’t focus your energy on it. 

Let go of it. Don’t be its victim. 

All you do is make life harder for yourself and stay on the hard road for longer. 

Control what you can, and let go of the rest.

6: Making Decisions Based on Emotions Instead of on Principle

This is a big one. We’re all human, and we cannot control our emotions (at least, not in the moment). If something happens and you feel mad, sad or bad, you feel it.

But what happens next is on you.

Don’t base your decisions on these emotions. An area where this affects many people is eating… when stressed or upset, you turn to the cookie jar. 

You don’t want the cookie. You know the cookie won’t help. 

But the cookie is what you want right now, because you let your emotions make your decisions.

This keeps you on the hard road. 

You need to make decisions based on clear principles (more on how do this soon).

7: Trying To Do Everything Right Instead of Focusing on Doing The Right Thing

Ever feel so overwhelmed by all the things you want to do that you end up doing nothing?

Yeah, me too!

A big tipping point for me was realizing I don’t have to do everything, and that it doesn’t have to be perfect. So instead of trying to do everything right, focus on doing the right thing.

  • What can you do right now that will get you closer to your goal?
  • What small step can you take in the right direction?
  • Which task will create the biggest impact?

Focus on doing the right thing, instead of overwhelming yourself by trying to do all things right.

8: Talking Yourself into an Excuse Instead of Talking Yourself into Progress

I come across this with my clients all the time.

You want to make a change, but in the beginning it’s so huge and overwhelming that you make one excuse after another why now isn’t the right time. 

Instead of building yourself up, you put yourself down.

It’s crazy, but we have all done it. We want to see huge progress, but we know it will take time and that worries us. So we put it off and create a few excuses, and take the scenic route on the hard road.

Do something today, however small. Progress a little each day. One step after another.

In time, you get to where you need to get to.

9: Focusing on The Journeys and Opinions of Others Ahead of Your Own

This is a big problem these days. We’re connected to so many people at all times, it’s hard to cut through the noise. You see people live a life you want to live. They have the body you desire, or the lifestyle or just seem happier and more relaxed.

You compare your journey to theirs.

Sometimes you may even try and copy them.

The problem here is:

    1. You don’t get the full story (only an edited version of their life)
    2. You are YOU!

Your journey is yours to own. Being true to you and your journey is all that matters. 

The 8 Hallmarks of The Easy Road

All this is a choice. It may not seem it at times, but these 9 Hallmarks of The Hard Road are a choice. You can choose to make them and take the hard road, or make your life easier…

  1. Choose To Value Consistency More Than Intensity and Novelty
  2. Win The Moment You Are In (Leave Yesterday and Tomorrow to One Side)
  3. Commit To Improving Your Mindset Every Day
  4. Invest Your Energy Into Solutions Instead of Validating The Problem
  5. Practice Principle Based Responses Instead of Emotionally Infused Reactions
  6. Focus on Doing The Right Thing Instead of Doing All Things Right
  7. Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Work
  8. Cease Every Opportunity to Break Away From past Patterns

These are the alternatives to the hard road.

I talk about all of these in the episode that accompanies this article. I encourage you to listen to it in full, not only to gain greater insights into the Hard Road (and why so many of us spend longer on it than we need to), but to learn how to choose the easy road instead.

The 8 Hallmarks of The Easy Road are easier to achieve than you may think. 

Listen to the episode in full so  can show you how!


Thanks for reading. To gain greater insight into the 9 Hallmarks of The Hard Road and how you can choose the easy road instead, please listen to the latest episode of the Primal Potential podcast in full.

I cover everything in greater detail, as well as share lots of stories and examples.

Plus, I’ve only touched upon the 8 Hallmarks of The Easy Road here. To truly embrace them, I believe you need to listen to how I describe each one. They’re easier to attain than you may think, and if there’s one thing I hope you leave with today, it’s the ability to choose the easy road for yourself.

I know how hard the hard road is. My hope is that you’ll choose to step off of it today 🙂

Thanks again for listening and reading. If you have any questions about the hard road, add them in the comments below. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and connect with me on social media.






667: Transforming Relationships? Listener Q&A

How can you transform a relationship for the sake of accountability? That’s what one listener is asking on today’s Q&A!

We absolutely love listener questions and today we’re tackling a bunch of them! If you have questions for the Saturday show, you can submit them here!

  • I’ve really been enjoying bulletproof coffee. However, the last couple of days it seems to be upsetting my stomach. Any idea why?
  • I understand the value of like-minded people but those closest to me are my partner and my best friend. How can I transform these relationships to help hold me accountable?
  • What is the starting point for someone completely hopeless and paralyzed on his/her health goals and still refuses to seek help?
  • I just recently got dumped by my back up guy. I know that sounds harsh – long story, even longer drama which I will spare you. My question is after two months I still think about him all the time and I read his letter that he wrote. Yesterday your YouTube question about rereading the old chapter hit me in the face. I want to move on so badly. Am I failing because he still pops into my head?
  • How do I stop beating myself up for failures and start celebrating small wins?

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