Episode 056: Is Comparison Slowing Your Progress?

Episode 056: Is Comparison Slowing Your Progress?

In this episode we talk about how comparing ourselves to others can really impede progress. It can lead to paralysis and inaction or it can stroke our ego and prevent us from really striving for our full potential. We fall into this comparison trap when we compare our eating habits, our consistency, our bodies and our workouts to other people and really, nothing good can come from it!

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Seminar: Overcoming Emotional Eating & Self Limiting Behaviors

Carbohydrate Tolerance episode

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How To Know If Food Isn’t Your Problem

How To Know If Food Isn’t Your Problem

I have a hunch that food isn’t your problem. Sure, over-eating or over-indulging might be. But that probably isn’t a food problem…Let me explain…

If I ask you, “what derails your fat loss progress?” you’re likely to give me answers like: stress, social situations, lack of time and emotional eating. I know this because I’ve asked you and you’ve told me so. I know this because I get hundreds and hundreds of emails from people expressing their frustration that they know what they should do and they really want results but in the moment they say “screw it!” and make a different choice. Can you relate to that? I sure can!

And yet….even though it’s the emotional and situational stuff that keeps us from being successful, people are drawn to quick fixes and magic bullets. Why??? Does that eliminate what holds you back? No way! Does knowing what the “Top 10 Foods For Fat Loss” are keep you from OD’ing on pizza and beer or ice cream and chocolate after a bad day? Um, here’s a hint: no.

Does the latest low carb trend prevent you from treating weekends like holidays? Nope.

So then WHY do we waste so much time, energy and effort buying diet plans & programs??

Guys: if you want lasting success you have to first identify what keeps you from being successful. When you have a plan, what is it that pulls you off course? When everything is going well, what are the factors that contribute to slip-ups or days off? THAT is what you have to tackle.

Because I asked you and spent weeks studying your hundreds of responses, I know the top struggles include:

  • fear of failure
  • doubt
  • lack of motivation
  • inconsistent “willpower”
  • difficulty turning down temptation
  • social sabotage
  • negative self talk (I’m fat, I’ll always be fat, I have no self-control, etc)

I want you to be successful. I really, really, really want that for you. I hope you trust and believe me when I say that. For that reason, it frustrates the hell out of me when people will identify one problem and then spend all their time, energy & effort trying to solve a different one that isn’t actually the problem. Ugh!!!

We’re so used to food rules, restriction and deprivation. I get it. It feels familiar. It’s what the diet industry tells us we need. BUT GUYS!!!!! IT DOESN’T WORK!!!

Let me try to prove it to you with a few true/false questions.

True or False: You often know what you should eat but make a different choice in a moment of temptation.

True or False: Stress, frustration, boredom, fatigue and/or loneliness influence your food choices.

True or False: You struggle to maintain motivation consistently.

True or False: You have managed to lose weight but you struggle to keep it off and find yourself regularly yo-yo’ing.

If you answered true to two or more, I really think you’re going to need to tackle the mindset side of things if you want lasting success. If I have you even the slightest bit curious at this point, please take a few minutes to watch this video.

Or skip the video and decide to help yourself and let me help you by figuring out how to overcome what ACTUALLY holds you back so you can stop doing the same thing over and over and getting the same exact result. Here’s the link: https://primalpotential.com/product/emotional-eating/

Episode 056: Is Comparison Slowing Your Progress?

Episode 055: Probiotics for Fat Loss & Health

In today’s episode we talk about what probiotics are and how they significantly impact fat loss, health, longevity, hunger, hormone balance and much more. We address how we unknowingly destroy our micro biome, and how we can restore it via diet and lifestyle. We wrap up talking about probiotic fortified foods & supplements and how you can make good choices.

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Benefits of a Balanced Microbiome:

  • Hormone balance
  • Strong immune system
  • Digestive health
  • Disease prevention
  • Healthy metabolism
  • Weight management
  • Improved mood & focus
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved skin health

Factors That Destroy Our Microbiome:

  • Processed foods
  • Trans fats
  • Artificial sweeteners, colors and preservatives
  • Toxins
  • Antibiotics
  • Stress
  • Sugar
  • Gluten
  • Soy

Foods & Factors That Support Our Microbiome:

  • Prebiotics: carrots, tomatoes, jicama, asparagus, artichokes, garlic
  • Spices: cinnamon, tumeric
  • A healthy balance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids
  • Probiotic-rich foods including kimchee and sauerkraut
  • Fermented dairy

Relevant Factors for Supplements:

  • Viability of bacteria (in processing, while packaged, during digestion)
  • Number of strains
  • Total CFUs (colony forming units)
  • Deliver a health benefit


Diary Dos & Don’ts
Omega 3s
Emotional Eating & Self Limiting Behaviors Course

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Why Do We Settle?

Why Do We Settle?

Last night I hosted a webinar to work with a very motivated group of people who are ready to achieve their fat loss goals &  have a healthy, balanced relationship with food free from deprivation, misery and obsession. It was AWESOME.

We talked about one of my favorite quotes from the book The Motivation Manifesto and  how we can create our own personal freedom without willpower and obsession.

“Why, having been endowed with the courageous heart of a lion, do we live as mice? We must look squarely into our own tired eyes and examine why we waste so much time sniffling at every distraction, why we cower at the thought of revealing our true selves to the world, why we scurry so quickly from conflict, and why we consent to play small. We must ask why we participate so humbly in society’s frantic race, allowing ourselves into its mazes of mediocrity and settling for scraps of reward when nature has offered unlimited freedom, power, and abundance to the bold, the determined, the creative, the independent – to each of us…We must ask: When will we be ready to ascend to another level of existence?”

Your past failures are not about your lack of willpower. They aren’t predictive of your future capability. It’s about process. The wrong process. In most cases, it isn’t about food. It isn’t about what we eat but rather why we eat. Fat loss and physical transformation become exponentially easier when we get rid of the anchors that pull us down and hold us back. That’s what this is all about.

Your transformation can start right now. Today. You are capable of more than you can imagine and when you adopt the right strategies and implement the right tools, transformation becomes almost effortless. Let me teach you the right strategies, give you the right tools and encourage you every stop of the way. Invest in yourself. Take the risk and trust that this seminar will be wildly helpful to you. Follow this link and use the coupon code VIPs to get access for just $59.


Episode 056: Is Comparison Slowing Your Progress?

Q&A 15: 10 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Results

In today’s episode we are answering questions from individuals who feel like they are doing everything right but not getting results. We go into the top 10 reasons people don’t get results.

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Question: I’m doing everything right! I’m eating whole foods and I’m not seeing results. What’s wrong with me?

10 Things To Consider:

  1. Eating too much
  2. Overeating protein
  3. Overeating fat
  4. Carbs – too much or wrong time
  5. Indulging too frequently
  6. Not focusing on hormone balance
  7. Eating too little
  8. Stressing too much
  9. Working out too much
  10. Not enough action


Hormones & Fat Loss Ebook

Fat Loss Lifestyle Analysis & Consultation

Carb Timing Podcast

Carb Tolerance Podcast

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