8 Things You Need to Know About How Flavor Makes You Fat

This is a really important topic. You must have a deeper understanding of how flavor makes you fat. You will thank me later.

It’s important to first clear up what I  mean by “flavor”. I mean added flavor that doesn’t come from the plant or animal you’re eating.

I am not talking about herbs, spices and flavor rich fruits & vegetables like ginger root.

These added flavors not only make you fat, they are designed to make you fat. Millions of dollars and years of research are put into creating the exact flavor & aroma combinations that trigger you to overeat and not feel satisfied. The goal is to keep you going back for more.

Flavor has been hijacked by the food industry & chemical companies and they’re making us crave processed foods, overeat them & turn to them to meet our emotional needs.

This is by design.

Added flavor will make you fat…

…Unless you break the chains of fake flavor.

I want to help you do that. Here are 8 things I feel you need to know about how flavor makes you fat & what to do about it.


Processed foods are designed to make you eat more. 

This is a simple, common-sense truth. Food companies make money when you eat more, not less. They employ well paid scientists who spend many years on one single food item to ensure that the food item:

  • Doesn’t quickly trigger feelings of fullness (if at all)
  • Provides as much flavor as possible
  • Is pleasurable in texture, flavor & aroma
  • Stimulates the pleasure & reward region of your brain so you become hard wired to keep going back for more

It’s not that you’re weak and have no self-control. It’s that these processed foods are designed to overpower your self-control by manipulating your physiology.


Processed foods are designed to emotionally manipulate you.

When a food company takes on a new food product, they have a few critical questions they must answer:

  • Who is the target customer?
  • What do they want to feel, emotionally?
  • What flavor profiles & textures address that emotional need state?

For example, if their target customer is a middle-aged working mother of two, they might know she wants to feel calm, loved, in control, warm & happy.

They don’t guess about this. They survey their customers. They let them try the product. They ask how it makes them feel. They keep working on the product until it targets the precise emotional need state the customer told them they are after. 

They create a emotional profile for every single ingredient and flavor they use. Textures also have emotional profiles.

Once they determine the emotional need state of their target customer, they begin to comb through their ingredient, flavor & chemical libraries to find the perfect combination of flavors & aromas that satisfy the particular emotional need state.

They’ll blend together the perfect combination of textures and flavors – maybe things like sweet, cinnamon, creamy or chewy to create the exact emotional profile that customer is craving.

Every wonder why you turn to food when you’re feeling emotional?

Welcome to emotional manipulation at it’s finest.

Guys, food cannot meet your emotional needs. You might think it can, but it can’t.

(I tackle this is more detail in episode 141 of the Primal Potential podcast)


Whole foods have far less flavor than they used to.

Production methods for fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry & fish have changed.

Industrial farming operations have changed everything to maximize profit. Their priorities are:

  • Rate of growth (the faster the better)
  • Appearance
  • Size (bigger is better)
  • Pathogen resistance
  • Rot prevention (pick fruits and vegetables long before they’re ripe so they survive transit & time on the grocery shelf)

What is not a consideration? Flavor.

When animals are slaughtered young, they have less flavor than those allowed to mature. Chickens used to be send to slaughter at 22+ weeks old. Most chickens are now slaughtered around 35 days old. Flavor doesn’t even begin to develop until 9 weeks.

Fruits and vegetables have been genetically engineered to grow at a dramatically accelerated rate. In this abbreviated time they cannot absorb as many vitamins & minerals from the (already nutrient depleted) soil. They cannot develop flavor.

Meat, fish, chicken, fruits & vegetables have less flavor. Plus, relative to the hyperpalatable processed foods, they hardly stand a chance.

(I go into a lot more detail on the changes to meat, chicken, fruits & vegetables in episode 140 of the Primal Potential podcast.)


Appetite stimulants are studied and carefully added to processed foods.

Let me ask you a quick question: If you sat down and ate 4 chicken breasts, how would you feel? Super stuffed, right?

What about a sleeve of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies? You’d probably be thinking, “Somebody take this crack away from me before I eat the whole box!”

Those two examples contain roughly the same number of calories but you have an extremely different response.

There are compounds known as “hyperpalatables”, essentially, appetite stimulants. They’re even more powerful when used in combination. They make you want to eat more.

Food companies brag about this with slogans like, “Bet you can’t have just one…” and “Once you pop you just can’t stop”.

They seek out these reactions. That’s exactly how you want to feel.

This is by design.

Whole foods do not intend to hijack your palate and annihilate your self-control.


Whole foods naturally contain anti-feedants, components that reduce your appetite.

Whole foods have (as described in the book “The Dorito Effect“) a lower toxicity threshold. Essentially, you’ll stop eating whole foods long before you’ll stop eating processed foods.

Think about it: if you set out to eat an entire bag of oranges, you’d quickly feel uncomfortably full and you might get sick.

What if you set out to eat an entire bag of Goldfish crackers? (I’m going to declare that one entirely possible as I’ve done it myself unintentionally.)

Some whole foods contain known anti-feedants that suppress appetite and encourage you to eat less.

Bitter compounds are known to suppress appetite, so eating foods like brussels sprouts, dark chocolate (the real stuff), dandelion greens and grapefruit quite easily suppress appetite.

Other whole foods like oregano and chili peppers are proven anti-feedants.

There’s no processed food on the planet that would benefit from making you eat less.


Your palate is always evolving &  you can direct the process (or not). 

Think about foods you like now but once didn’t. I used to hate coffee, red wine, dark chocolate and asparagus. Now I love them.

We see this happen very quickly with children. Foods they wouldn’t take a second bite of just weeks ago they now can’t get enough of.

Even with adults it is very common to develop new tastes as you get older.

Your palate will evolve. It’s changing every day. You can direct the process or you can hand it over to be manipulated by food & chemical companies.

Your palate evolves, in large part, based on the things to which you expose it.

Try new things. Taste new flavors. Prepare foods you don’t like in new ways.

What you eat most you want most.

I see this with my clients & I’ve seen it in my own life. I used to genuinely crave & desire Hostess cupcakes, ice cream and Cheez-Its. My palate has changed. It changed quickly. I don’t eat clean out of sheer willpower.

I eat clean out of desire. Because I took control of re-training my own palate instead of letting it be hijacked by processed foods and chemical creations.


Natural flavors aren’t so natural.

In the United States, food & chemical companies are not required to disclose what makes up “natural flavors” or “artificial flavors”. They can vaguely list them as such.

Food scientists are very clear about the fact that more often than not, artificial flavors and natural flavors are exactly the same chemical compounds, though they may be created in a different way – though maybe not.

Even more disturbing – a product that claims to be vegetarian, vegan or gluten free but contains “natural flavors” may derive those flavors from animal or non-kosher sources. That is perfectly legal in this country.


You can love food more & eat less of it.

I have put together a free 14-day flavor challenge to help you love food more.

See, when I was over 300 lbs I thought I just loved food too much. I was wrong. I had no taste. I ate garbage.

I now love food more than ever & I seek out real, intense, incredible flavor.

My enjoyment of food is exponentially higher than it ever was.

I’ve embraced my inner food snob.

Krispy Kreme donuts, Cheez-Its, Hostess cupcakes & Swedish fish no longer appeal to me.

To me, indulgences are velvety dark chocolate, pasture-raised pork cut into melt-in-your-mouth slices of the highest quality bacon or a buttery filet of sea bass.

We tend to lose sight of the fact that pleasure diminishes as quantity increases. When you’re elbow deep into the jar of animal crackers, do you really taste anything after the second handful or are you just on auto-pilot?

When we choose quality foods, the desire is satisfied on far less food. It’s so amazingly good that we are satisfied with just a little bit.

We appreciate & savor every bite. We’re fully conscious of the experience.

When the serving is small & the quality is high, the entire experience stays at the place of maximum enjoyment.

That’s what I want to help you create.

That’s why I’ve put together this totally free 14 day flavor challenge to help you break the chains of fake flavor & fall in love with real, flavorful food.

Over 14 days I’ll share recipes, meal ideas & critical information you need to understand how fake flavor manipulates your palate, your wallet & your emotions.

You’ll eliminate cravings. You’ll enjoy food more & you’ll probably lose some weight along the way!

Ready to dive in?

140: Is Fake Flavor Making You Fat? Part 1 of 2

140: Is Fake Flavor Making You Fat? Part 1 of 2

Is fake flavor making you fat? What is fake flavor? Why does it seem like year after year we crave food more yet experience less satisfaction from it? What has changed?

A lot has changed.

Our food has changed. Whole foods are different and processed foods are different.

This combination makes fat loss tough and fat gain pretty easy.

Today is part 1 of 2 episodes talking about what has changed about food & what we can do about it so we enjoy food more, eat less of it & reach our fat loss goals without deprivation.

Join the free 14-day challenge!

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Is Fake Flavor Making You Fat – Part 1 –
What Happened to Whole Foods?

is fake flavor making you fat

There is a combination of factors that have led many Americans to eat more junk & eat fewer whole foods.

The whole foods have changed. They have far less flavor, less nutrition & less appeal overall.

The processed foods have changed as well. They have more flavor. They have more appeal. They are carefully formulated to make us want, even need, more.

In today’s episode I’m talking about just how whole foods have changed. In part two I’ll be talking about how processed foods have changed and what we can do about it so we stop craving the processed stuff and enjoy the whole foods more.

I share a few stories from the book The Dorito Effect including a story about how & why chickens aren’t nearly as flavorful or nutritious as they used to be.

It all started during World War II when beef was rationed. The limited availability of beef increased consumption of chicken. After the war when there was no more rationing of beef, the chicken farmers had to get creative to ensure that American families would still eat plenty of chicken.

They launched the “Chicken of Tomorrow” contest to challenge farmers to produce chickens that:

  1. Grew faster
  2. Were more uniform in size & color
  3. Had bigger breasts
  4. Required less feed to fuel their growth

Flavor was not one of the judging criteria.

It worked. Chickens got plumper, they grew faster, they looked more uniform and prices dropped. So did flavor.

These “improvements” at the expense of flavor have only continued since the 1940s. They’ve also been seen in beef, pork, fish, fruits, vegetables, wheats and grains.

We have more food at a lower cost with fewer nutrients and less flavor.

This has all happened while big food companies pump out highly flavored low cost processed food-like items.



The Dorito Effect by Mark Schatzker

Join the free 14-day challenge!

137: Always Hungry? Retrain Your Fat Cells

100 Fat Loss Meal Ideas

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What I Ate Wednesday

What I Ate Wednesday

Even though I’m bringing back the “What I Ate Yesterday” segments of the podcast (by popular demand), you guys feel these “What I Ate Wednesday” posts are helpful so I want to make sure to fit them in more often!

During the summer I had gotten away from bulletproof coffee in favor of cold brew just because I preferred cold coffee in the am. But, now that the weather is chilly, bulletproof is back! I spiced it up a bit this morning with raw cacao powder and a raw egg yolk. No, you can’t taste the egg. (If you have questions about BP coffee or MCT oil, I’ve written or podcasted about it here, here and here).

bulletproof coffee

I worked out around 8:30AM and today’s rowing & airdyne work totally kicked my tail. It took me a while to feel like eating after that. When I was ready, I wanted to keep it simple since I was in my full work-swing. I stuffed half an avocado with about a half cup of kimchee. Kimchee (sometimes spelled kimchi) is wonderful for bacterial balance and I happen to think it tastes great, too! Gotta eat those foods I love that love me back! Another reason I like kimchee is because I try to ensure that I eat some of my cruciferous veggies raw each day.

Without totally geeking out (though I love that), cruciferous veggies have a super powerful component called isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) are cellular super-heroes and they are formed by an enzyme called myrosinase. Unfortunately, the myrosinase activity can be significantly reduced during the cooking process. Since I knew I would be cooking my brussels sprouts at dinner, I wanted to fit in some kimchee during the day.

One of the other ways I enjoy my veggies raw is my favorite fat loss brunch – my massive bowl of cabbage, eggs, bacon & avocado.

If you feel like diving into why cruciferous veggies rock for health & fat loss, you can read more about it here.


I started dinner earlier than normal & it was a pretty big meal! I had a big plate of brussels sprouts and a bowl of my homemade chicken bone broth. I shared the benefits of bone broth & the recipe on the blog earlier this week so don’t miss that!

brussels sprouts and bone broth

If I’m super hungry after dinner sometimes I’ll have a handful of walnuts or a spoonful of almond butter but more often than not I remind myself that my body doesn’t need more fuel & sip on hot tea and get to bed early. For me, sleep is magical. Like a unicorn, but way better. 😉

If these meals aren’t your jam, don’t sweat it! I’ve put together 100 fat loss meal ideas for you, plus more than 30 awesome recipes! You can get them for free when you hop on the Primal Potential VIP email list!

140: Is Fake Flavor Making You Fat? Part 1 of 2

Ep 116: Eating Healthy On A Budget: 5 Meals for Under $1.99

Eating healthy on a budget is absolutely possible. In fact, what I want to demonstrate in today’s episode is that you can actually save a lot of money by eating clean, eating for fat loss and focusing on whole foods.

Can it be more expensive to eat healthy? Yes. 

Can it be more expensive to not eat healthy? Yes.

You can do it either way. The choice is yours. But eating healthy on a budget is 100% possible.

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Eating Healthy On A Budget

I’ve talked before about details like how to save money on proteins and when it’s important to buy organic and what items you can save money on by going conventional. You can check out that episode here.

In today’s episode, however, we’re talking about the specifics about how you can eat very inexpensively while focusing on fat loss friendly & whole foods.

I have 6 specific recipes you can make for less than 1.99! But before that, let’s establish some basics.

  • Complex recipes are going to cost far more than simple meals
  • Eating for fat loss does not have to include exotic recipes, a million spices or special cooking oils
  • Identify your favorite fat loss foods & keep it simple
  • It kinda goes without saying that you’re going to spend far more if you shop at luxury grocers like Whole Foods. While that is lovely, it is not necessary
  • You don’t have to opt for the most expensive fruits and veggies. Berries cost more than apples, most of the time. Brussels sprouts cost more than cabbage. Choose wisely and emphasize inexpensive staples.

Bacon & Egg Sweet Potato Cups: $1.04 per person

bacon and egg in sweet potato









Salmon Cakes & Mashed Cauliflower: $1.87 per person

Bacon, Egg & Veggie Breakfast Bowl: $1.93 per person

Spaghetti Squash with Ground Turkey: $1.77 per person

Quarter Pound Turkey Burger with Bacon & Avocado: $1.31 per person

BONUS (This one is just over $2.00)
Baked Marinara Chicken Thighs with Brussels Sprouts: $2.12 per person


1st Eating on A Budget Podcast – Healthy On A Budget

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140: Is Fake Flavor Making You Fat? Part 1 of 2

Ep 112: Protein Bars For Weight Loss – A Buyers Guide

Are protein bars healthy? What are the best protein bars for weight loss? In today’s episode we’re talking about things to consider before choosing a protein bar and figuring out whether or not they work for YOU. Many people make big mistakes with protein bars. They think they’re making a healthy choice but either they’re choosing a super unhealthy bar or they’re not realizing that even a “healthy” bar just doesn’t work for them!

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Protein Bars for Weight Loss – A Buyers Guide

Before we dive into the good/bad/ugly of protein bars for weight loss, here are the issues I have with them in general:

  • Using them as a snack but creating more of a meal when a meal isn’t needed
  • Eating them when you aren’t hungry because you feel like it’s a “healthy” choice. (Healthy choice or not healthy choice isn’t the problem if you aren’t hungry!)
  • Choosing bars that are glorified candy bars – junk ingredients, junk protein, lots of artificial ingredeints and often a TON of sugar
  • Eating bars even when they are triggering cravings

First, let’s establish WHY you eat them and IF they work for you (or not). Take a few minute to answer the following questions:

  • Am I using bars as a meal or a snack?
  • Am I eating bars when I’m truly hungry or are they a distraction?
  • When are you eating bars? (pre workout, post workout, breakfast)
  • Do they satisfy your hunger? With 1 serving? (for many many people, they are a trigger)
  • Do they increase or decrease your cravings?
  • What is it you like about them:
    • Convenience
    • Taste/flavor/sweet
    • Texture

In this episode we’ll talk about the factors you need to look at when choosing a bar, especially when your goal is weight loss. In addition to the above considerations, we’ll talk about:

  • Protein
  • Calories
  • Servings
  • Sugar
  • Fiber
  • Artificial ingredients
  • Unstable fats

protein bars for weight loss

protein bars for weight loss

are protein bars healthy cytosport


Soy Story – What You Need to Know About Soy

Are Protein Shakes Healthy?


Quest Bars

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